Emmanuel Faith Community Church
For September 12/13, 2020
New Sermon Series Begins This Weekend
A Note From Ryan Paulson, Lead Pastor
It’s been so good to see many of you in person over the last few months. As we’ve been meeting for worship services and prayer gatherings, it really seems as though the Lord is moving in our midst, growing and challenging us. In addition, I continue to be encouraged with the way that our online services are ministering to people who are unable or uncomfortable joining us on campus at this time. I’m humbled by and excited about all that Jesus is doing among us.
This weekend we're starting a new series entitled Distance Learning. That’s a term I’m sure you’ve heard over the last few months, often in reference to kids learning online instead of in-person. But it’s a way of learning and growing that God has used to shape his people for generations. In fact, God has taught his people some of their deepest and most profound lessons of faith when they were far from home.
The name for this season throughout Israel’s history is exile. Exile is a time when things seem out of joint, disoriented, and frustrating. Sound familiar?
Our Distance Learning series will be a journey through the book of Daniel. Daniel is a book about bold faith, relentless worship, and prophetic visions. It’s a book about how to follow God while you’re living in an empire. It’s a book about something that happened, but it’s a book that, in many ways, diagnoses what’s happening in our day and time. In a profound way, Daniel creates a path forward for us in our current cultural moment.
I’ve been inspired by Daniel’s faithfulness and I trust that you will be, too. Join us this weekend as we kick off our new series, Distance Learning.
Service times at EFCC this Sunday will be as follows:
CLASSIC SERVICE | 9am Sunday | Courtyard
SPANISH SERVICE | 5:30pm Sunday | Courtyard
ENGLISH SERVICE | 6:30pm Sunday | Field
Please remember to wear your face mask per current county guidelines, and you might want to bring a water bottle. If you're coming to the 6:30pm service on the field, bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket.
For worship music lyrics, before you come to church on Sunday, feel free to access this weekend's Digital Worship Guide on your phone or tablet. Then select the worship lyrics button to open the page and you'll be ready to sing along with us. Or click here for a printable PDF of the song lyrics to download, and save or print to bring with you.
See below for links to watch the service online. CLICK HERE to access a printable sermon outline. Or click here to visit the sermon series page.
Online Service Options
Saturday 5:30pm | Sunday 8, 9:30 or 11am
10 am transmisión en vivo
We’re excited to share with you about the new, proposed Statement of Faith. CLICK HERE to view the proposed new statement and current statement, and videos discussing the changes. Mark your calendars now for one of our upcoming Town Hall meetings for more info: Wednesdays, September 23 or 30, 6:30-8pm at EFCC and online, and Sundays, September 27 or October 4, 10:15-11:45am at EFCC and online. Feel free to come ask questions. At the October 25 Annual Meeting church members will vote on whether to adopt the new statement.
Come find encouragement during our latest session of Life Groups by connecting with others in a small group. Both live, in-person, and virtual options will be available. Sign-up soon for the fall session via our online Life Groups Finder or check our Emmanuel Faith CC App. You can join a group at any time.
Our youth ministries are excited about being back on campus! Currently, registration will be required and space will be somewhat limited. Find out more via the ministry pages, for each, or contact the Junior High or High School ministries via email. If you have questions about our Faith Kids programs, please feel free to email them.
We are busily working on refreshing the Worship Center to create a welcoming space to invite your friends and worship the Lord together. Everything has been removed in preparation for renovation, and we can't wait to show you the progress along the way! To find out more or to see how you can participate by giving or volunteering, visit www.efcc.org/beyond.
Resumes Tuesday, September 22
6am, Courtyard in front of the Cafe
Our Tuesday Morning Men's Prayer Breakfast will resume on September 22 at 6am. Come join us weekly to pray and share a meal together in the Courtyard by the Cafe. (Wearing of face masks and social distancing seating will be in place.)
Saturday, September 26
5pm, Moonlight Beach, Encinitas
Are you a follower of Jesus and desire to be baptized? This year, we are planning to do “beach baptisms” to comply with local health guidelines as best we can. Join us at Moonlight Beach on Saturday, September 26, at 5pm.
CLICK HERE to fill out the form to let us know you would like to be baptized. We encourage you to invite your family and friends so they too can celebrate your public profession of faith. Hope to see you there.
Starts Thursday, October 1
9-11:45am, at EFCC
The Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study will be held from October 1 to November 19. Two study options are available. To register for Matthew, Part 1 (a Kay Arthur Bible study), contact Lauri Robbins via email or call (760) 715-2092.
Or to register for When God Doesn’t Fix it -- Lessons you never wanted to learn, Truths you can’t live without, by Laura Story, contact Judy Dunn via email or call (760) 297-5231.
October 2-4
The Well College Ministry is hosting a Guy / Girl Retreat weekend October 2-4! The guys will head to the Anza Borrego Desert for a time of desert adventures and manly bonding as they tackle the topic of Practical Purity. The girls will be heading to Green Oaks Ranch in Vista for a fun-filled "glamping" girls weekend, learning what it means to be a God-Empowered Woman. Cost is $40 per person. Sign-ups end Monday, September 21! Email Britni Fredenburg to RSVP.
October 9-11 at Green Oaks Ranch
Bring your tent, trailer or RV to Green Oak Ranch for a weekend of fellowship and fun for campers of all ages. On Saturday night, October 10, we'll become an EFCC satellite campus with worship and the weekend's sermon. Cost: $20/adult/night, $15/youth(6-12), $0/kids under 5. (You can choose to come for up to four nights between October 8-11.) Cost includes the campground and activities. Food/meals will be on your own. CLICK HERE for more details now or to register online.
EFCC is excited to announce the addition of two new pastors to our staff. New Pastor of Outreach Ministries, Luke Bajenski, joined our staff this past week. Luke grew up in Poland, and brings a wealth of ministry experience in global outreach, local outreach and church planting, both in the U.S. and internationally. He holds a B.A. in Church Ministry as well as M.A. in Missiology & Church Growth. For the past seven years he has served as Global Outreach pastor at Rock Church in San Diego and has already been partnering with EFCC in missions. Luke is married to Marisa, a Los Angeles native, lifelong teacher and discipler of women, and they have a 14-year-old son, Alex.
In addition, later this month, new Executive Pastor, Larry Boatright will be joining our staff. Larry is originally from Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!), and also has lived in Missouri, Texas, Illinois, Florida, and Colorado. Most recently, Larry was the Executive Pastor at South Fellowship Church in Littleton, Colorado. Larry is passionate about helping leaders and churches live into who God created them to be. Larry has been married to Annette, a school social worker, since 1998, and has two boys, Brendan and Brayden. He has a BA in Interpersonal & Organizational Communications, a MA, and a Master of Divinity.
Keep in touch with us! CLICK HERE for our Connect With Us page to stay up to date with Faith Kids, our youth groups, Young Adults (theWELL), and more.
Other Ways to Connect ...
Donate to Emmanuel Faith at www.efcc.org/give. Your offerings also can be mailed via any envelope to the church office:
Emmanuel Faith Community Church
Attn: Accounting
639 E. 17th Ave.
Escondido, CA 92025