April 6, 2023
A summary of news and events,
for the people of the
Episcopal Churches of West Missouri
Send your news and pictures to: communications@diowestmo.org
Bishop Bruce’s Renewal of Vows and Blessing of Oils service sermon – 2023
Nine-minute video.
Sermon delivered by the Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce, Bishop Provisional of West Missouri, at the Renewal of Vows and Blessing of Oils service held at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, Missouri, on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: Easter 2023 Message
Three-minute read.
“We are here in a world struggling to find its soul, but the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not, cannot, and will not overcome it,” Presiding Bishop Michael Curry said in his video message.
Letter from Bishop Bruce on legislative initiatives targeting transgender individuals and their families
Three-minute read.
Bishop Diane writes, “In The Episcopal Church, we vow in our Baptismal Covenant to ‘respect the dignity of every human being,’ and to ‘seek and serve Christ in all persons.'” and reiterates The Episcopal Church’s support for transgender individuals and their families.
West Missouri on the move: March Diocesan Council update
Three-minute read.
Diocesan Council Vice President, the Rev. Galen Snodgrass reports on the Council’s progress in preparing the 2024 diocesan budget.
New West Missouri Campus Ministry Podcast discusses “All Things Episcopal”
Three-minute read.
The Campus Ministry Commission will be reaching out to college students and young adults in a new way with a weekly podcast starting April 13.

Laundry Love: A thumbs up and a smile
Three-minute read.
Jill Hodge reflects on the power of kindness and humanity in bringing people together through Good Shepherd’s Laundry Days.

Recording — March 2023 Year-Round Stewardship Webinar
One-hour video.
Watch this recording of the March 2023 diocesan Stewardship Commission’s Year Round Stewardship webinar where they shared best practices and ideas for a variety of activities to provide stewardship education and bolster the idea of giving not only money but also the time and talent without which our parishes cannot function.

Obispo primado Michael Curry: Mensaje de Pascua de 2023
Three-minute read.
Lo que sigue es el texto completo del Mensaje de Pascua de 2023 del Obispo Primado.
Staff Update — New Missioner for Youth Ministry announced
Three-minute read.
We are delighted to announce the appointment of a new member of the Diocesan Staff in the role of Missioner for Youth Ministry.
Transitions – March 2023
One-minute read.
Details of the churches in transition and the clergy transitions through to the end of March 2023.
Safe Church, Safe Communities information issued
One-minute read.
In early March, Lay and ordained cures (Church leaders) received an email confirming their enrollment in the Praesidium Academy, and set out the Safe Church Training Certification requirements for The Diocese of West Missouri. 
What's happening
This is essential training for all new vestry members and church leaders.

In-person. 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., St. Philip's, Joplin.
Events & Meetings
There is lots more to see on the diocesan Events home page.
Check out the diocesan calendar and our full list of forthcoming events and meetings.
None at present.
Many churches in the diocese are offering daily prayers, reflections, and Sunday worship online.
Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
Safe Church, Safe Communities information issued
One-minute read.
In early March, Lay and ordained cures received an email confirming their enrollment in the Praesidium Academy, and set out the Safe Church Training Certification requirements for The Diocese of West Missouri.
Changing the times of your online services?

Don't forget to let us know so we can keep the list of online services up to date.

Email any changes to communications@diowestmo.org
Bulletin inserts and flyers

Do you have any bulletin inserts or flyers of interest to the Episcopal Churches of West Missouri? Send them in!

Second chance - In case you missed it
Ordination Process page updated, Discernment Handbook temporarily withdrawn, Discernment Timeline added
Grant applications open for new Episcopal communities
Childhood spirituality matters: a Godly Play opportunity in our backyard this summer
Spread The Word