November 11, 2021
A summary of news and events,
for the people of the
Episcopal Churches of West Missouri
Today, November 11, has been a day of mixed emotions for me. I feel both somber and joyful, echoing my feelings during the 132nd Annual Convention of the diocese this past Saturday. At the end of the opening Eucharist, Bishop Marty Symbolically left the crozier on the altar. There was nary a dry eye among the Bishop's Staff watching online in the Diocesan Center. Later there were cheers of delight when Bishop Bruce was confirmed as Bishop Provisional of West Missouri and again when the convention was adjourned, and our work was successfully completed.

Veterans Day or Armistice Day, as I prefer to remember it, is very poignant to me. It might be because I was born and spent a large part of my life living in a naval city that had been subjected to the blitz in World War II. I lived in a house that had bomb damage, and in another, I had an air-raid shelter (turned into a wine cellar) in the backyard. Like many my age, my family members served in both world wars, and more recently, I have met and lost people who served in Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Afghanistan. 

Every November 11, at 11 a.m., people in the UK pause for two minutes silence to remember the fallen. The world momentarily stops while people reflect and pray. So, today at 11 a.m. I too paused for two minutes of silent reflection. I gave thanks for all who made the ultimate sacrifice, all who have served, and those who are serving still.  

And today also brings joy. It's been a long, busy, and tiring build-up to our first hybrid (online and in-person) annual convention. Once this issue is finished and sent out, I am taking a few days off, and maybe I will head into the woods to take some time communing with nature, hiking, and enjoying this year's spectacular fall color. Of course, on the other hand, there's always the honey-do list to attend to!

Because I'll be away for a few days our next issue of the New Spirit Update will be sent out on Thursday, December 2, 2021. I look forward to seeing your articles and news when I return in a week, so please keep sending them in.

Gary Allman
Communications Director
2021 Annual Convention round-up
The Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce appointed Bishop Provisional of West Missouri
One-minute read.
On Saturday, November 6, 2021, the 132nd Annual Diocesan Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri voted overwhelmingly to appoint Bishop Bruce as bishop provisional of West Missouri.

Two-minute read.
On November 5 and 6, 2021, the 132nd Annual Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri was held. This was the diocese’s first hybrid (Online and in-person) convention. It also marked the first time a live Spanish interpretation has been provided.
The Ecclesiastical Authority’s address to the 2021 Annual Convention
12-minute video.
The Rev. Jonathan Frazier, President of the Standing Committee gave the Standing Committee's address to the 132nd Annual Convention.

Ordination of Rita Kendagor into the Transitional Diaconate
Two-minute read.
On Saturday, November 6, 2021, at the opening Eucharist of the 132nd Annual Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri, Rita Jo Carson Kendagor was ordained into the Sacred Order of Deacons by the Rt. Rev. Martin S. Field at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, Missouri.

Choral Evensong in thanksgiving of the Rt. Rev. Martin & Donna Field and the Rev. Dr. Steven & Mary Rottgers
One-hour video.
A recording of the Choral Evensong in thanksgiving of the ministries of the Rt. Rev. Martin Field & Donna Field and the Rev. Dr. Steven Rottgers & Mary Rottgers held on Friday, November 5, 2021, at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral.
Other News
St. Michael’s Necessity Pantry, a small pantry serving a large need
Three-minute read.
The Necessity Pantry at St. Michael’s, Independence began in 2000 when several members saw the need to provide toiletries to individuals receiving food assistance. It has since grown into a community resource providing an array of personal care items. After suspending operations in March 2020 due to the pandemic, a group of dedicated volunteers developed a plan to reopen the pantry as a drive-through.
Discurso de la Autoridad Eclesiástica a la Convención Anual de 2021
12-minute video.
The Rev. Jonathan Frazier, President of the Standing Committee gave the Standing Committee's address to the 132nd Annual Convention.

One-minute read.
In the weeks leading up to Christmas, families are spread thin. The resources in this post can support and bolster households, without adding to the burden families feel. While time spent at church is precious, we can do more to convey the wonder, mystery, and importance of the Christmas story.
Online leadership training to help churches begin or expand Stephen Ministry
Three-minute read.
Stephen Ministries St. Louis is now training caring ministry leaders through a live, interactive online training experience called the Bridge Leader’s Training Course.
Children, come welcome Bishop Bruce
One-minute read.
Encourage the children of West Missouri to welcome Bishop Bruce!
Download this free 2022 Liturgical Calendar from Church Pension Group
One-minute read.
The Liturgical eCalendar 2022 is a standards-compliant liturgy planning calendar of all Episcopal Sundays, Major and Lesser Feasts. Liturgical eCalendar is intended to integrate into your current calendar system, and provide easy access to the Season, Color, Year and citations from the Lectionary for the Episcopal calendar for 2022.
Episcopal Relief & Development offers the opportunity to transform communities this Holiday Season with redesigned Gifts for Life catalog
Two-minute read.
Episcopal Relief & Development invites supporters and congregations to transform a life this holiday season by giving a gift from the organization’s newly redesigned Gifts for Life alternative gift catalog.
Episcopal Service Corps seeks applicants for 2022-23 service year
Two-minute read.
The Episcopal Church invites young leaders ages 21 to 32 interested in a transformative outreach and discernment experience to consider applying to the Episcopal Service Corps for its 2022-23 service year.
What's happening
Youth Events
None at present.
Church Events
November 25-26
Diocesan Office closed for Thanksgiving.
December 24
Diocesan Office closed for Christmas.
External Events
December 6
Conversations on The Partner’s Path is designed to provide a place of connection, spiritual nourishment, and gifts discernment for spouses of Episcopal clergy. Online. 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Education and Training
September 13 – November 12
Bishop Kemper School for Ministry October 2021 Courses. Adult Catechesis and Formation, Anglican History, New Testament, and Old Testament I. Classes begin September 13. The in-person focus weekend meets October 9-10. Classes end on November 12.
October 13 – December 10
Bishop Kemper School for Ministry November 2021 Courses. Contemporary Mission, History of the Episcopal Church, and Theology of Education Ministry. Online classes begin October 13. The in-person focus weekend meets November 13-14. Online classes end December 10.
Clergy Events and Services
Every Wednesday
Compline. Online. 9 p.m.
Every 2nd Thursday
2nd Thursday’s Clergy Conversation. Online. 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. If you have not received the login credentials for this meeting, please contact your Dean.
November 16
Southern Deanery Clericus. Online. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Central Deanery Clericus. Online. 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
November 21
Standing Committee. Online. 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
December 1
Executive Committee. In-person. Bishop’s Office, Diocesan Center. 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
December 7
Finance Committee. Online. 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
December 8
Diversity and Reconciliation Commission. Online. 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
December 10
Commission on Ministry. Online. 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
December 11
Diocesan Council. Hybrid. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
December 15
Bishop Bruce and the Women Clergy of the Diocese. Online. 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
December 19
Standing Committee. Online. 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
January 4
Episcopal Ministry Support Team. In-person. Bishop’s Office, Diocesan Center. 10 a.m. – Noon.
None at present.
Bishop Bruce's Church Visits

A complete list of Bishop Bruce's church visits can be found here.

Many churches in the diocese are offering daily prayers, reflections, and Sunday worship online.
Seen an error or omission? Let us know: [email protected]
Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
Diakoneo Magazine November, 2021
Eight-minute read.
The latest issue of Diakoneo, the magazine for deacons is available to read online.

Church Pension Group releases the 2020 Episcopal clergy compensation report
One-minute read.
This interactive report now includes data on race, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

Apply soon for Constable Fund and Roanridge Trust grants!
One-minute read.
The deadline for grant applications is December 12.

Changing the times of your online services?

Don't forget to let us know so we can keep the list of online services up to date.

Email any changes to [email protected]
Bulletin Inserts
We've created a new resource on the church administration site to hold bulletins and flyers. It has all the regular items and also, new this issue:

Second chance - In case you missed it
Episcopal Church 2020 Parochial Report data now available
Grant applications open for Episcopal Church Constable Fund, Roanridge Trust
Solicitudes de beca abiertas para el Fondo Constable y el Fondo Roanridge de la Iglesia Episcopal
Ya están disponibles los datos del Informe Parroquial de la Iglesia Episcopal 2020
Spread The Word