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Wednesday, October 11, 2023 |

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Dues were Due 10/1

Our new marketing department said it's crunch time, we need to confirm your membership for 2024! Please call the office today and we can take payment over the phone (530) 885-1624

This Week's Topics of Interest

* New Spotlight Issue Out Now

* Glamping Show 2023

* Work Camp Agreement

* Thank You for Your Loyal Membership

* Pacific Current Partners

New Spotlight Out Now

Issue 5 of Volume 49 has been sent out. It features Johnny's at the Beach in Eureka, CA. Be sure to check out our Partner Spotlight with BookOutdoors and the Program Spotlight on Legal Forms. Don't miss the Advocacy Update!

If you haven't received a copy please let us know. We can get one out to you and ensure you are up to date on all CalOHA news. The Spotlight is the esteemed industry publication for campground owners & suppliers and we'd hate for you to miss out.


Dyana Kelley, President and CEO of CalOHA, spoke at the 2023 Glamping Show workshop in Aurora, CO. last week. Her presentation kicked off the event and outlined beginner basics and what to know before opening a property. Dyana called the show the "Burning Man Village" of glamping with everything you could imagine from space pods to wagons, mirrored boxes to caves, the show has grown immensely, especially when recalling the single digit models on display only four years ago.

Also in attendance was CalOHA Board Member Erin Thiem, of Inn Town Campgrounds. Erin shared she had a, "Great time at the Glamping Show, always amazing to connect with other operators, vendors and learn from industry professionals. After 7+ years in the glamping space, we’re amazed by how much the industry has grown and evolved. Shout out to Josh Bell, fellow CalOha Member, Kampgrounds Enterprises, for his great presentation on how to continue to work with both tent/RV and glamping spaces within your park."

We hope you had a chance to stop by the CalOHA booth to meet with Dyana. If you were unable to make it more details can be found on her presentation at the link below. We hope to see you next year!

Dyana Kelley Workshop - Glamping Show 2023

Work Camp Agreement

At the end of every season the CalOHA office receives dozens of calls from park owners with questions about work campers with the most asked question being, “How do I get the work camper out of my park?” CalOHA has a solution.

We worked with Christina Spiezia, Senior Counsel at Rudderow Law Group, to produce a Work Camper Agreement. The new CalOHA Work Camper Employment Agreement is used when hiring a work camper that is new to the park. 

Christina and Rudderow Law recommends that parks should only hire work campers that are NEW to the park. If you choose to hire a current resident you may have several other issues to contend with including the fact that this employment agreement will not work. We recommend seeking legal advice on drafting a proper agreement tailored to the specifics of your park and your situation with a current resident. Additionally, work camper’s who are residents are often times friends with other residents which makes it difficult for them to manage. This does not set your manager or your park up for success. If you need to dismiss a resident work camper and they are disgruntled they will share their misery with all other residents to perpetuity. 

“The agreement we are providing you is an employment agreement where housing is incidental to employment. Now, if the employee lives in their own RV or mobilehome and already rents the space, and is then hired as an employee, that a different situation and would require a separate agreement, and there are a couple of issues with that situation. First, if the person is already renting the space and has their own RV or MH, if the employment contract is terminated, you wouldn’t be able to terminate their tenancy. Termination of employment is not one if the seven authorized reasons for termination of a MH tenancy or RV residency. Second, if the park wants to terminate their employment and reinstate their rental of the space, how do you compel them to start paying rent again? (In a situation where someone is already a resident) … we would NOT recommend including a provision stating that upon termination, the tenancy ends, because the RV Code does not allow termination of tenancy based on termination of employment. “


CalOHA recommends utilizing the new work agreement as is without making changes. If you choose to change the agreement it will need to be reviewed by legal counsel. Call the CalOHA office for access to the new agreement!  

Thank You for Your Loyal Membership

Thank you to all the wonderful members who paid their 2024 membership dues this week! We appreciate your continued support!

Bowman Hilton RV Park

Cali Lake

Camp Lotus

Cloverdale Wine Country

Coleville Walker

Kamp Klamath

Liberty Travel Park

Madrone Tree Hill

Russian River Trailer Park

Terhel Farms MH Park

Terhel Ranch

Cotillion Gardens RV Park

Vineyard RV Park

Westport Beach

Black Meadow Landing

Casa de Fruta

Frandy Park

SF Petaluma KOA

Truckee River

49er Village

El Capitan Canyon

Flying Flags RV Resort

Indian Wells RV Resort

Pismo Dunes RV Resort

Royal Palms

Sun Outdoors Central Coast 

Sun Outdoors Paso Robles

Sun Outdoor San Diego

Sun Outdoors Santa Barbara

Vines RV Resort

Bob's Trailer Park

FF Avila Beach

Islander Mobile and RV Park

King Island

Manor Oaks

North Shore Campground

Pismo Sands

Rancho Colina

Silver City


Kit Fox 

Valencia Travel Village

Sugar Barge Resort

Delta Marina 

Supplier of the Week

Pacific Current Partners

Pacific Current Partners is committed to improving community experience for residents and to owning and operating our properties as manufactured housing communities for the long term. Although city and county governments are often inclined to view mobile home parks and RV parks unfavorably, we have been able to work amicably and successfully with regulators to align the interests of residents, government, park owners and other stakeholders.

Pacific Current Partners

Have a question? Contact us. (530) 885-1624