Fun At Home
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Children's E-News: Connecting with Kids & Families At Home | April 21, 2020
At Home Challenge
Miss Jane's Haiku Poetry
April is National Poetry Month! I thought I'd try to write some haiku. What is haiku? It is a 3-lined poem that does not rhyme, based on a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Often, there is a pattern defined by the number of syllables in each line. The first & last lines have 5 syllables. The middle line has 7. Remember: 5-7-5.

Here is the haiku I wrote this morning, inspired by my garden at home:
tiny shoots push up   
warmed by the dappled sunlight
hopeful signs of spring   
You can try writing your own at home.  
Need ideas? Haiku Help
If you write your own poem at home please send it to us. We may share your poem with our other library patrons. You may give us a first name, your initials or choose to be anonymous.
Miss Elizabeth's Corner
A Fun Way to Start Your Morning
Hi! Miss Elizabeth here. If you’ve been to a storytime at the library, chances are you’ve heard a Laurie Berkner song. Laurie’s songs are upbeat, catchy, and just plain ‘ol silly. I love using them to get kids moving and laughing. During April, get your kids moving to live music at Laurie Berkner’s Facebook page, most weekdays at 9 a.m.