New Webinars and Updates
New Streaming Webinars
ISEE has been working with an intersex activist, a sex educator and two sex therapists to bring you new and interesting webinars for AASECT/APA CEs.
Perfect Until Cut: The Life of an Intersex Activist
Dana Zzyym (they, them, their pronouns) is a Colorado resident and navy veteran who was raised male and who didn’t find out until they were in their 50’s that they were born intersex. It explained a lot. After a childhood of difficulty created by unnecessary surgery and a lifetime of questioning gender and orientation, Dana made national news recently by challenging a federal law that forces US citizens to choose “male” or “female” on a passport…and so far, they have been winning. The fight isn’t over. Dana has still been unable to obtain a U.S. passport. ISEE's Director Dr. Roz Dischiavo will be joining Dana for this webinar. During this personal interview we will be learning about Dana's childhood, life, their sexuality, and their amazing activism. 

Dana Zzymm

November 17, 4-5PM Eastern
Ethical Dilemmas in the Sexuality Field
Sexuality professionals may be challenged by unforeseen situations that create ethical dilemmas. These may arise by working within the communities we serve; anxiety regarding an unintentional “outing” of self or someone else, or navigating personal and professional boundaries. State licensure, organizational affiliation, and personal beliefs and values can also impact decisions and behavior. This webinar will critically examine 3 ethical decision models that assist the professional boundaries that protect, present, and preserve our self-determination. 

Ruby Bouie Johnson, LCSW, LCDC

2 parts: November 28 & 30, 12-1:30 EST
Sex Education in Oppressive Environments
What do you do when your cultural or institutional climate prohibits best practices? Sex Ed in Oppressive Environments allows educators the opportunity to explore barriers to effective sexuality education, both in the U.S. and their specific settings, and strategize solutions. When it comes down to the best interest of your students or your job, how do you choose? Goals: By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: Analyze multiple ways in which an environment can be oppressive. Demonstrate knowledge of Ecological Systems Theory and its implications for sexuality education. Identify at least 2 strategies for combatting educational barriers.

Lindsey Cain, M.Ed

January 11, 2018 12-1PM EST
Down Under: Introduction to Assessment and Treatment of Genital Pain Disorders & Unconsummated Marriages
This training will introduce participants to medical and psychological realities of genital pain disorders and of unconsummated marriages. According to leading research, the prevalence of women who experience vaginal pain is 9.3%, but the figure is even higher (up to 13%) for women between the ages of 20 and 30. For some, this will be a temporary gripe. For others, it may be a longer-lasting condition. It is imperative that therapists have the tools necessary to identify this need, diagnose the disorders, and have some idea as to the treatment of these conditions. The course will cover the biological mechanisms of sexual functioning, sexual pain, and penetration problems. It will also introduce practical tools and intervention techniques for treatment of genital pain disorders and unconsummated marriages. Participants will review and discuss 1-2 clinical case studies.

Rivka Sidorsky, LCSW, CST

2 parts: Jan 8 & Jan 10, 1-2PM EST
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