New Student Orientation Volunteers Needed

Idaho State is quickly approaching another New Student Orientation season, and we need your help to provide the best experience for our students.

To accommodate a large number of incoming students, the University will hold nine sessions in Pocatello, two in Idaho Falls, one in Meridian, and one in Twin Falls. There will be a mix of in-person and virtual events. Volunteers are greatly needed for each in-person session in the following roles: greeters, way-finders, behind-the-scenes support services, and meal hosts. Additionally, we need faculty members to have lunch with students during in-person sessions.

If you can help, please fill out the form below. After completing your submission, additional details will be shared, including the dates of upcoming volunteer training meetings. 
Thank you for your willingness to serve our students by supporting this program and welcoming our new Bengals to campus. 


Kevin Satterlee
This communication was sent to Idaho State University faculty and staff.
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