Virtual Worship
97% of PC(USA) congregations report doing church strictly online now.
Of those who have moved to strictly online worship, just over half (53%) indicated that they are using a different format than in-person gatherings. In other words, they are not trying to take the "normal" church experience and simply move it online. While some are implementing small changes, others are taking this opportunity to try new and innovative ideas. For instance:
“A nearby church which shares a pastor with another nearby church has invited our parish of six small churches without a pastor to join in their online worship services.”
“A Pen Pal program connecting available members with members isolated due to age, mobility or illness.”
“Daily Facebook feeds reach people we don't see on Sundays because of work schedules, and these will continue!”
“We decided to make [home communion] a weekly thing which we normally don't do in person. It was important for us to be able to share the sacrament together.”