Parking Insider - Latest parking news, case studies & events
Message from the CEO - NSW Government Parking Summit
The NSW Government has announced that they will be holding a Parking Summit on Monday 17 May. It will be opened by the Minister for Digital and Minister for Customer Service, the Hon. Victor Dominello and the Minister for Transport and Roads, the Hon. Andrew Constance. Parking Australia has been invited to attend, as have some from the parking industry. Read more....
New sustainability category for 2021 Parking Awards

In light of Parking Australia's EV and solar car park webinar earlier this year and the push for more environmentally friendly buildings, Parking Australia has decided to introduce the Outstanding Sustainable Car Park category to the 2021 Parking...

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Smarter City wins partnership with Mosman Council

Mosman Council has further cemented its position as an early adopter of technology by introducing the award-winning CellOPark parking payment app to its suite of cloud-based, contactless and paperless parking solutions for residents.

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Changes to the Fair Work Act

The Fair Work Ombudsman has provided further guidance on recent changes to the Fair Work Act. These include COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace, changes to casual employment and changes to unpaid parental leave entitlements.

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Bargain flights and hotel rooms for PACE 2021

Plan ahead and book yourself a discounted hotel room and a half-price flight to Adelaide for PACE 2021. The Federal Government's half-price airfare sale commenced on 1 April with fares being released in batches until the end of July, unless they...

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Tweed Council deploys new parking enforcement vehicle

Like many growing regional coastal areas of Australia, the Tweed Shire has recently been facing significant challenges in coping with a major influx of visitors and more permanent residents migrating from major cities such as Sydney and...

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Auckland Transport and DCA's partnership extended

Auckland Transport has recently awarded Database Consultants Australia (DCA) a five year contract extension to continue delivering its integrated parking management system. The contract extension will see DCA continue to partner with...

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Smart Parking launches Tessera

Smart Parking are proud to announce the launch of Tessera - Smart Parking's compliance management system platform and mobile app. Tessera harnesses the power of Smart Parking's SmartCloud platform to offer a market leading end-to-end...

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Wilson Parking launches Apple CarPlay app integration

Australia's largest car parking group Wilson Parking Australia has today introduced its Apple CarPlay-enabled parking app on the App Store. The new integration updates the popular Wilson Parking iOS app and allows commuters to discover, ...

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