Join us for a
TLC Mini-Course
Mini-courses feature choice in subject with dynamic educators on topics such as politics with Rabbi Brusso, cooking, and photography. This learning is at a level stimulating to young adult minds and creative thinkers.
Sunday morning or weekday evening, meal included,
$60 per three-session course
If you haven't already registered for TLC this year, please do. If you have registered and want to take a Mini-Course, email instead of filling out the form again.
New time for TLC Photography Class!
To meet the scheduling needs of our families, the class will meet for one long workshop on Monday, October 30, 6:00-8:00 p.m. for the first session, with another later workshop planned. Dinner will be served.
Photo-Journalistic Inquiry
Delve Deep Into Being a Jewish Teen
Monday, October 30, 6:00-8:00 p.m. for the first session, with another later workshop planned. Dinner will be served.
Taught by Robin Wald

Bring your cell phone or camera and get ready to have fun exploring what being Jewish means to you by creating photo-stories that represent something about your Jewish identity. Family, friends, rituals, synagogue, learning, mitzvah projects, social justice or anything else that helps define you as a Jewish teen will be looked at through a photographic and creative writing lens.

A photographer in last year’s course won third place internationally, and two of our teens’ photos were displayed in Tel Aviv as part of the Jewish Lens @ Beit Hatfutsot Photo Competition (click for more details).

This course is open both to students who took last year’s course and beginners! Questions? Email Robin Wald.
Farm to Table Food Justice
Sundays, November 5, 12, 19, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Taught by Loen Amer, Rabbinic Intern Jessica Fisher , with a workshop by Eden Village Camp

Join us on a journey through the food system, learn more about where our food comes from, and explore environmental stewardship. What does our tradition's wisdom teach about food insecurity? How can we make sure more people have access to healthy and nutritious food?

This course will be taught by Loen Amer and Rabbinic Intern Jessica Fisher, and culminate with a challah making experience led by our friends at Eden Village Camp including threshing, winnowing, grinding, and mixing wheat into dough.
Identity Politics in America Today
Where Do We As Jews Fit In? with Rabbi Brusso
Sundays, December 3, 10, 17, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Taught by Rabbi Aaron Brusso with Loen Amer

From the events in Charlottesville to Black Lives Matter to the LGBT march in Chicago, the issues of suffering, pride, and identity have been elevated to a national stage. As Jews, what is our part in the conversation? Before you head off to college, join us in thinking it through.
My Brother from Another Mother
Jewish-Muslim Dialogue
Sundays, January 7, 21, 28, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Taught by Robin Wald

Curious and want to learn more about Islam? In this mini-course we will study the core teachings and beliefs of Islam. How are Judaism and Islam similar? How do they differ? The course, taught by Robin Wald, will feature interaction with the Muslim community, and an off-site visit.