Make Your Reservations for the Seance Now.
Space is Limited.
After the Seance, help us celebrate. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO THIS FREE EVENT .
Even If you are unable to attend the seance, drop in for the party, you are more than welcome!
Gentle Yoga Class Every Tuesday
Bring a Mat if you wish (we have extras here), or work from a chair.

This class is geared toward anyone with flexibility issues. Whether you are a senior, plus size or a beginner, we will work at a pace comfortable for you.

Drop-in at 6 PM for 45 Minutes of Yoga stretching, meditation and NO Pressure!
Move at Your Own Pace.
Maxine will lead the class on October 5. Call Anna at The Inner Space Mon, Wed, Thurs 5 - 10 pm or on Saturday or Sunday. 404-252-4540
2nd & 4th TUESDAYS, OCTOBER 12

This week's Topic:
"Live as If"
The Law of Attraction

with Anna McCague
Join in a lively discussion led by Anna the 2nd and 4th Tuesday every month. In this like-minded group, we share our goals with each other and gain the support of the group in a place where we are encouraged in our aspirations. A formal lesson plan based on the works of various well known manifestation gurus will be featured followed by discussion and meditation. This powerful group uses the collective consciousness to join together and create each member’s reality based on his/her desires.
7:30 - 9 PM $10 Drop-in or Reserve
6th Sense
Have you ever had a deja vu experience? Do you sometimes know that the phone will ring and who it will be on the other end of the line? Are your dreams sometimes prophetic? Open up your own psychic gifts & start using your intuition TODAY! No Prior experience necessary.

October 20 What is a Witch - Witches are healers, are connected to the earth and it's inhabitants. Witches are often psychic or intuitive. They hold the creed "and harm none".
$20 Drop-in
We no longer offer Skype or Zoom

October 2021
27 Intro to Mediumship

November Guest Instructors
Nov 3 Maxine - Chakra Check-up
Nov 10 Madison - Dragon Magic
Nov 18 Shiva - Grounding & Clearing
FULL Moon in Aries Circle
Wednesday 10/20/2021
with Maxine

The Aries Moon Brings manifestation! Focus on your desires with this lunar energy to make dreams come true. On the Full Moon, the earth and Sun are aligned like the new Moon, but the Moon is on the other side of the earth directly opposite the Sun. Thus, the entire illuminated portion can be seen on earth, full and round. This represents fertility, transformation, completion, and abundance. Join in chanting, drumming and toning with singing bowls. Bring your own drum, rattle or bowl if you wish. A suitable time for letting go of what no longer serves us. 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Join Maxine in a sacred in circle where we will share wisdom and inspire each other.
Please Reserve Your Space by Monday at Noon so we may arrange our room to give comfortable seating for everyone.

Valerie Que & Dr. Etricia Mills

Learn how to create a layout with the Tarot, depicting your desired outcome. We will teach you how to create an altar with your cards and corresponding candles to activate during the strongest planetary days and hours corresponding to the magical workings you wish to achieve. You will learn how to create a story line of the situation as you wish it to be using the Tarot cards. You will also learn how to create a layout which describes the overall life you wish to create for yourself.The closely guarded secrets of successful metaphysicians will be revealed to you in this 4 hour workshop. We will teach you how to create an altar with your cards and corresponding candles to activate during the strongest planetary days and hours corresponding to the magical workings you wish to achieve and clear energy that could be keeping you from obtaining your desires.10 AM - 1PM $75 Please Pre-register
Mystery School Credits

Andrea Bagby

Everyone who has the will to communicate with the other side is able to do so. There is no "trick" or "secret". The real ability lies within the individual who believes in the aftterlife and wishes to make contact. You will learn self protection and discernment along with how to open up to spirit and receive accurate and profound communication from the other side. "Death Is Nothing At All - I Have Only Slipped Away Into The Next Room." Emma Pegler Atlantian Mystery School 2 CreditsPlease Preregister so that we may have your birth date information.
$200 6 WEEKS 7:30 - 9:30 PM 
Pre-registration required. 2 MYSTERY SCHOOL CREDITS


Madison Amsel

For beginners, those returning to the study of astrology, and for those seeking answers to the great mysteries of their lives. Since the dawn of time, mankind has been fascinated with studying the sky and everything within it. Astrology 101 is an easy to understand, insightful course that shows the student how to interpret celestial timing for themselves and others, as well as teach the student to read and create their own natal chart. Astrology 101 will cover signs, planets, houses, degrees and basic aspects (conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile). 7:30 - 9:30 PM 4 weeks $205 includes text book and all printed materials. pre-registration required. 2 MYSTERY SCHOOL CREDITS

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Predictive Astrology: Life Cycles & Planetary Cycles

Sherry Henderson

Understanding the planetary cycles gives a huge clue as to the direction of a person's life at a certain age. This coupled with other predictive techniques including eclipses, retrogrades and transits allows for pinpointing just how a person will experience any time of their life, depending upon the sign and house in which the planetary return takes place. The focus is on physical events as well as psychological maturation and impact.

Please pre-register with your birth data by Nov 11. Late comers will not have their personal charts for this class and will miss important information.

$75 11 AM - 2 PM

Recommended Text $25.95 with 20% discount for registered students.
Astro Forecast October 18 - 24
This the week we've been waiting for! Mercury and Jupiter both turn direct on Monday, Oct 18 and will remain direct until mid January. Pluto went direct Oct 6. Saturn resumed direct motion on Oct 11. Only Neptune and Uranus of the planets remain retrograde, however, Chiron is retrograde until December 1.
What does this mean? A number of things are now freed to move forward that may have been stagnant or required deep soul searching to move out of a stuck place. We are free to sign contracts, make major purchases and possibly travel. Although we still have a two week shadow, things will become much more doable. If you felt suck in October, it's with good cause. We had 6 planets retrograde! Only Venus and Mars remained direct. (The Sun & Moon are our luminaries and never go retrograde). But, Venus goes retrograde mid December. Matters of Love and money are up for examination.
The Moon enters Aries this morning and the first aspect is a sextile to Jupiter tonight. Mars is trine Jupiter today. Use these energies to apply concerted effort. Energy levels are high, but so is discipline.
Tuesday the Moon is opposite Mercury in the wee hours, possibly bringing a message in a dream, or you could get a text or email with emotional content. By daybreak the Moon is trine Venus. With Venus quincunx Uranus, be careful of mixed messages. Some adjustments will be necessary connected with money or love. This is apt to push buttons.
The Full Moon in Aries aspects Jupiter, Pluto and Mars. This could be an explosive pre-dawn clash. If you are sleeping, expect dreams to be larger than life and possibly disturbing. Tummy upsets may disturb sleep. The Moon moves to Taurus mid afternoon calming things a bit and possibly "pouring oil on troubled water".
Thursday is not stacking up to be a comfortable or easy day with a lunar square to Saturn, quincunx to Mercury, conjunction with Uranus and quincunx to Venus. The only positive in this mix is the ability to extracate yourself from difficult situations that make you feel trapped and unappreciated.
Friday Mars is square Pluto. This is set off tonight with a lunar aspect to both. It could be dangerous for cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Exercise catuion today. There is a Polyanna tendency in the morning hours, but don't trust easily. Use today to do some meditation, go to primal scream therapy or clean closets.
Saturday the Sun enters Scorpio and the Moon enters Gemini. The Moon is trine Saturn this evening. It's a good time to journal or to work on that murder mystery that you have been sitting on.
Sunday the Moon is trine Mercury in the pre=dawn hours. Mercury is quincunx Uranus. Today is a time of sudden adjustments, possibly even unexpected ones. The Moon is opposite Venus in the late afternoon. Romance may come from an unexpected place and as the Moon is square Neptune late tonight, smoke may be in your eyes. it's difficult to look at things realistically.

Dr. Sherry Henderson founded the Atlantian Mystery Schools, a holistic and metaphysical professional training program for astrologers, spiritual healers, ministers and counselors in 1995. Dr. Henderson teaches astrology, Kabbalah, psychic development, Tarot, world religion and spiritual business classes. She is a practicing Tarot reader & astrologer. Dr. Henderson is the director of The Inner Space metaphysical center in Atlanta, Georgia.
For information on classes or to schedule an appointment, call 404-252-4540.