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The Law Offices of David L. Carrier, P.C.
We are honored to be nominated in the Best Estate Planning category in the Holland Sentinel . Please click on the logo and Vote, if you'd like to help us win. Thank-you for taking the time to click! Imagine if we won with your vote! Voting ends this Sunday.
How Will the New Tax Law Affect You?
I have been getting many questions about the new tax laws and how it will affect Estate Planning and Estate Taxes. While most of the new tax law has to do with reducing the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, some provisions relate to individual taxpayers, including changes to the estate tax and 529 accounts. If you weren't worried about federal estate taxes before, you really don't need to worry now. With the federal exemption already scheduled to increase in 2018 to $5.6 million for individuals and $11.2 million for couples, the Republicans in Congress and President Trump have now nearly doubled this to $11.18 million (estimate) and $22.36 million (estimate), respectively, indexed for inflation. The tax rate for those few estates subject to taxation remains at 40 percent. For more highlights of the tax changes Click Here

Woman's Efforts to Change Will Without Professional Help Backfire
Just as making a will without the help of a qualified attorney can be dangerous, trying to change an existing will on your own can fail as well.  A court decision in Minnesota serves as a cautionary reminder to anyone thinking of altering their estate plan on their own. 
Esther Sullivan executed a will in 2006, that gave half of her property to a former employee of hers, Tara Jean Johnson. The grandson of Ms. Sullivan, Joseph VanHale, received a lesser share. Two years later, in 2008, Ms. Sullivan allegedly attempted to change her 2006 will by marking up a photocopy of it and writing her initials next to each change and signing and dating the bottom of each page. She allegedly wrote on top of the 2008 photocopy, “[t]he Will dated January 19, 2006 is void and to be replace[d] with this and all written in changes.” Read More
Exclusive Workshop for Landlords and Rental Property Owners
What Keeps You Up at Night?
·           Bouncing Rent Checks? Vanishing Tenants?
·        3 a.m. Plugged Toilet Calls?
·        Confused and Confusing Legal Developments?
·        Malicious Property Damage?
·        Insurance Driven by Premiums Instead of Protection?
Join Us for The 5 Landlord Myths Workshop
Thursday, March 8th, 6:00pm
4965 East Beltline Ave., NE, Grand Rapids
Register Here Limited Seating
Let me share with you a cautionary tale... Click Here
Estate Planning and Retirement Considerations for Late-in-Life Parents
Older parents are becoming more common, driven in part by changing cultural mores and advances in infertility treatment. Comedian and author Steve Martin had his first child at age 67. Singer Billy Joel just welcomed his third daughter. Janet Jackson had a child at age 50. But later-in-life parents have some special estate planning and retirement considerations.
The first consideration is to make sure you have an estate plan and that the estate plan is up to date. One of the most important functions of an estate plan is to name a guardian for your children in your will, and this goes double for a parent having children late in life. If you don't name someone to act as guardian, the court will choose the guardian. Because the court doesn't know your kids like you do, the person they choose may not be ideal. Click Here to learn more.
By planning ahead, you are in control. Register Here for a LifePlan workshop and take the first step towards protecting your young children.

The Law Offices of David L. Carrier | 616-361-8400 |
Grand Rapids Holland Norton Shores Portage