June 18, 2020
New Teacher Induction
Providing new teachers with the resources they need to succeed.
Lawless Times
A legal expert once concluded that every law humankind has put into place can be traced back to one of the Ten Commandments. In other words, if everyone kept the Ten Commandments all the time, we would not need the pages and pages of laws all of us live under. Sadly, try as we might, not one of us can keep the Ten Commandments perfectly. Thankfully, the God-man Jesus Christ could keep all the commandments and did! When he died on the cross, he was the perfect sacrifice for us sinners who fall short of God’s standards.
Though Jesus kept the commandments for us, they still stand today as the ultimate guide for Christian living. Instead of looking at the commandments as God’s way of taking the fun out of life, we see them differently. They are boundaries that bless us. Living inside the Ten Commandments is the way we show love for God and love for others. When we slip, God is ready with forgiveness. We could know no greater love.
News & Resources
Aligning with Ministerial Growth and Evaluation 

New Teacher Induction (NTI) has been piloting the Ministry Development Plan (MDP) with beginning teachers. The MDP is part of the WELS Ministerial Growth and Evaluation Process and is one of the artifacts of practice for new teachers within NTI. This year NTI will begin integrating the MDP process at the direction of the administrators. The goal is to have the beginning teacher’s MDP written before the start of their second year. Ministry Development Plan Timeline for New Teachers
NEW Online Mentor Tools 

The tools that mentors use are different than forms. They are conversation and work protocols that instill habits of mind. The NTC Learning Zone which has housed these tools for NTI over the past several years is being retired. Please download any important data you need to save before June 30, 2020. 
NTI will begin using a new system for mentoring tools that gives greater flexibility to mentors with less cumbersome components. Details will be presented at the District New Teacher Seminars.  

Timeline for One-Year Assignments

Many one-year assignments are made as a result of unique situations at the school, at the center, or with the new teacher’s situation. These assignments include additional followup and support so that the integrity of the instruction, curriculum, and school culture are maintained over the shorter duration of time.
  • In October, the beginning teacher’s triad (administrator, mentor, and teacher) meets to discuss or set ministry and teacher goals.
  • On February 1, the MLC Field Experience Office will send to . . .
  • One-year teachers: Temporarily Assigned Candidate Update Form
  • Administrators: Temporary Teacher Evaluation Form
  • In February, the triad meets to assess the teacher’s growth toward the identified goals, reports back to the Field Experience Office, and sets the end-of-year plans.

Micro-Credentials for Administrators and Mentors

MLC Micro-Credentials align with the skills and competencies gained in the Mentoring and Coaching Certificate Courses. They are a simple way to highlight your expertise as an administrator, instructional coach, or mentor! More information is available via these links: Micro-Credentials and Observation Credential .
Upcoming District New Teacher Seminars
Contact your district’s lead mentor for further details or with any questions.
WELS New Teacher Induction
Accelerating New Teacher Growth in Ministry
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Phone: (507) 354-8221