A Letter From Our President & CEO

The eyes are the window to your soul.” - William Shakespeare

“The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.” 

- John Vance Cheney

“It is said that the falcon-headed God Horus lost his left eye, and it was magically restored, and thus this symbolizes the process of healing and making whole.” - The Eye of Horus

Our eyes are wide open at the Elliott Museum as we roll into February. As you meander your way through the “In Celebration of King Tut” exhibit, you will find that the Eye of Horus is a regular feature in dozens of locations. Egyptians lived their lives under the ever-watchful Eye of Horus, and I suspect that they probably tended to behave themselves better than most people do today. In current times, the eye of “Big Brother” is concealed behind the camera lens and not carved onto reliefs on the walls of temples, doorways, and statuary. The Eye of Horus symbolized “protection,” and there must be something to the myth because King Tut’s tomb remained unopened for 3,000 years.

I find it fascinating to consider that as King Tut was being interned in his tomb in Egypt three millennia ago, the Ais (pronounced eyes) Indians were busy fishing on Hutchinson Island in North America. The Historical Society of Martin County has several artifacts from the Ais Indians on display, and we hope to unearth or acquire more over time. I apologize for this homonymic stretch; I couldn’t resist.

Our Ashley Gang exhibit on the second floor features a great selection of artifacts from 100 years ago in Martin County, including John Ashley’s glass eye. Local historians are still debating whether John Ashley lost his right eye or left eye from a ricochet during a shootout, as his legendary eye patch appears on both sides of his face in early (possibly reversed) photographs. When Josh Gates visited the museum to film the “Chasing Everglades Treasure” episode, he was intrigued and a touch creeped-out to handle the glass eye. This artifact is a guest favorite at the museum today. We will keep our eyes peeled for you on your next visit.

All the best,




We intend to do all we can to transform our modern museum space into an ancient tomb of unimaginable beauty. These remarkable objects have been painstakingly recreated by historians and artists in Egypt using locally sourced, authentic materials and scaled and finished to perfection. The impact of standing amidst these objects will be something you will long remember. 

Now through May 31, 2024


Florida’s Natural Beauty 2023 Juried photo contest and exhibit is an annual nationwide photography exhibit that is proudly presented by Audubon of Martin County and hosted by the Elliott Museum. Audubon of Martin County believes that when we advocate on behalf of birds, wildlife and the environment, we promote a healthier, more sustainable, and more inclusive human community.


Now through March 7, 2024


The participants from Helping People Succeed will have on display incredible artwork from the Art for Living calendar exhibit. Take a look at the magnificent artwork of local artists. It is awe inspiring.

Now through April 1, 2024


Celebrate the life and legacy of local sportfishing pioneer and artist, Curt Whiticar. In this exhibit you will explore the evolution of Martin County via Whiticar’s ability to paint history. You will also learn about Whiticar family’s impact on the sportfishing industry.

February 12, 2024 through April 26, 2024



Patrick Armstrong and his son began collecting Derek Jeter memorabilia since Derek first entered the scene in the early 1990’s. Armstrong and his son followed Derek’s success, collecting the milestones that took place throughout the duration of his time as a professional player for the New York Yankees. This new exhibit will feature items and images that retell the story of those milestones while commemorating Jeter’s unique career.

February 23, 2024 through October, 2024


This Month's Special Events

Frederick Douglass- Humanity and the American Civil War

A historical reenactment presented by John H. Anderson.

45 minute-1 hour presentation –

Dressed in character.

Thursday, February 8

7:00 PM-9:00 PM

$18 Admission



RSVP at 772-225-1961

Atlantic Classical Orchestra

Sunday Concert Series

Proudly sponsored by

Kathy Atherton & Bud Sterling

Intimate Portraits - Strings Program

Leonid Sigal: violin

Anna Ivanova: violin

Christopher Gladsdorp: cello

TIME: Sunday, February 11

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.

$40 per person



Through the Eyes

of Curt Whiticar Opening

Join us for the Opening Reception of “100 Years of Martin County Through The Eyes Of Curt Whiticar” and celebrate the life and legacy of this local sport fishing pioneer and artist.

Monday, February 12

5:30 PM-7:30 PM

$18 Admission



RSVP at 772-225-1961

Bob Talks

Bob's February topic is Friendships in Literature: The Blessings and The Curses, Love and friendship are close cousins and literature has a lot to teach us about the need for and importance of friendship.

Tuesday, February 13

starting at 3:00 PM

FUTURE DATES: Mar 12, and April 9

3:00-3:30PM - Book sales/signing

3:30-5:30PM - BOB TALKS

$18 Admission


RSVP at 772-225-1961

Martin Artisans Guild Opening Reception for Open Studio Tour

Join us for this exciting preview of the work of the talented artists of the Martin Artisans Guild who will be participating in the area’s premier art event – the 2024 Martin County Open Studio Tour!


Thursday, February 15

5:30 PM-7:30 PM


$5 Suggested Donation


RSVP at 772-225-1961


Presented by Michael J. Marfleet, Author of Tutankhamun Uncovered—The Adventure Behind the Curse

Monday, February 12 from

3:00 PM-5:00 PM

Tuesday, February 27 from

5:00 PM-7:00 PM

$18 Admission


RSVP at 772-225-1961

The Captain's Corner:

Derek Jeter's Journey from Kalamazoo to the Elliott Opening

Join us for the Opening Reception of “The Captain's Corner: Derek Jeter's Journey from Kalamazoo to the Elliott” and celebrate the life and legacy of this sports icon through items and images.

Friday, February 23

5:00 PM-7:00 PM

$18 Admission



RSVP at 772-225-1961

The Music of Poetry

Proudly sponsored by

Brian Foss & Dennis Fruit

Join us for an unforgettable evening of classical guitar, poetry, and art!

An evening of classical guitar and romantic poetry with a backdrop of 19th century Russian masterpiece paintings will enthrall and entertain at the Elliott Museum.

Saturday, March 9

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.

$20 per person



Become A Member

The benefits of being a member: As a Family Level Member or higher, you have access to free or discounted admission to 134 museums in Florida alone with the NARM and SERM reciprocal benefits. One of the participating museums is the John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, FL. For more information on this amazing museum, keep reading and visit their website at the link below.


The Ringling is the State Art Museum of Florida and is administered by Florida State University. It features an historic mansion, art museum, circus museum, historic theater, and reference library, situated on 66 acres of bay front property in Sarasota.



On January 23rd, the Jensen Beach Chamber hosted its 74th Installation of Officers & Directors & Awards Presentation at the Elliott Museum. At the event, the Chamber presented its Ambassador of the Year Award to Debbie Banta, Director of Engagement; and presented the prestigious Non-Profit Innovation Award for 2023 to the Historical Society of Martin County, accepted by HSMC President and CEO Rob Steele.


Upcoming Trips!

The world is traveling again—so don’t delay in making your reservations! Bookings are really filling up quickly.


Travel with the Elliott and discover a world of exceptional itineraries, rich cultural experiences, superb dining and wines, and wonderful camaraderie with fellow travelers. When you book through the Elliott travel program, you will receive a complimentary HSMC Annual Membership to the Elliott and the House of Refuge museums. Choose from the great cruises and tours hosted by the Elliott, as well as an amazing array of domestic and international tours offered by Mayflower Cruises and Tours.

Contact Debbie Banta at 772-225-1961, ext. 124, or email at dbanta@elliottmuseumfl.org.

8-day Midwest Fall Foliage Tour - September, 2024 -- Includes the Henry Ford Museum, 2 nights in the romantic Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Chicago, a train ride to Agawa Canyon, Canada, and lots more!

Danube River Christmas Market Cruise - December 7-18, 2024 – It’s a magical journey of a lifetime! From Budapest to experience Europe’s most iconic and festive Christmas markets. 

Portugal to Ireland: History & Traditions - June, 2025 -- 12-day all-inclusive cruise aboard the Scenic Eclipse Discovery Yacht.


Please feel free to contact Debbie Banta below for any further questions!

Debbie Banta, APR

Director of Engagement

Historical Society of Martin County

The Elliott Museum

Gilbert's Bar House of Refuge Museum

P: (772) 225-1961, ext. 124

C: (772) 284-5091

E: dbanta@elliottmuseumfl.org

Curator's Corner

Many of our exhibits are shifting to prepare for the Spring 2024 season. The Audubon Society of Martin County has their photography contest on display beginning in late January. This exhibit captures some intimate moments with many of Florida’s native bird populations as well as other celebrated wildlife endemic to our state.

   The month of February will welcome our next Local Artist Spotlight featured artist, Ruthann Hewson. Ruthann started oil painting shortly after she, her husband Dr. Bill and their 3 daughters moved to Stuart in 1972 and spent many days enjoying the local parks, beaches, and waterways. She found Stuart and surrounding communities to be perfect subjects for her canvases. Ruthann paints colorful, realistic landscapes, nautical scenes, flora, and fauna as well as buildings, bridges, and boats, capturing the beauty and essence of her subjects without making drastic changes to what nature created and what man has constructed. You will be able to see Ruthann’s work in our Forum meeting space beginning February 20th, 2024. 

   Our baseball gallery has some exciting pitches taking place starting with saluting Derek Jeter. Patrick Armstrong and his son began collecting Derek Jeter memorabilia since Derek first entered the scene in the early 1990’s. This new exhibit will feature items and images that retell the story of those milestones while commemorating Jeter’s unique career. The Captain’s Corner: Derek Jeter’s Journey from Kalamazoo to the Elliott will open on February 23, 2024. 

   Debuting on February 12, 100 Years of Martin County Through the Eyes of Curt Whiticar exhibits the history of our county from a different perspective. This exhibit details the artistic renderings of local legend, Curt Whiticar, his family history, and Martin County history with paintings, artifacts, and private photographs. 

   Stop by The Outrigger restaurant in our upstairs restaurant space which includes some of Frances Langford’s estate items. The Elliott is also working diligently with the Martin County Digital History Initiative project headed by the Martin County Library System. This project is live and visible on the Martin County Library website, https://martindigitalhistory.org

   Have a great February 2024 and stay tuned for many more artistic and historical exhibit in the near future!

Chessy Ricca


Historical Society of Martin County

Elliott Museum

Gilbert's Bar House of Refuge Museum

P: (772) 225.1961 Ext. 125

C: (772) 561.308.8309

E: cricca@elliottmuseumfl.org

Volunteer Spotlight

The Elliott Museum and the House of Refuge are blessed with a legion of vibrant and gifted volunteers from across the country who bring their own rich histories from all walks of life. The common thread among them is their shared passion for our museums, and their enthusiasm to make your visitor experience the best that it can be. Come tour the Elliott with Vicki on Friday mornings!

Volunteer Spotlight - Vicki Zambardino

What did you do for a living in your career life?

During my career, I was an advocate for people with disabilities for over 30 years and worked for the New York State Commission on Quality of Care as the NYC Coordinator of services. I was proud to have played a part in landmark changes like de-institutionalization, curb cuts, bus accessibility on transit buses, compensatory education for those who had been denied education services and mainstream education.

What are your special interests/passions?

Since coming to Florida in 2004, Peter and I have been very active at St Luke’s Episcopal Church in Stuart where we are on several committees and serve several ministries. Some of our outreach programs like our backpack giveaway are very near and dear to us.

What is something that would surprise us about you?

I like flowers and gardening and have a special love of orchids which of course didn’t grow wild in New York City where I was born and raised.

What’s your favorite thing about volunteering at the HSMC?

My favorite thing about HSMC is learning new things which I did not necessarily have an interest in before. So, of course, my favorite part of the museum is the changing gallery. The constantly changing of exhibits sparks new interest and new research.

Ales Day

Vice President Guest Experience

Historical Society of Martin County

Elliott Museum

Gilbert's Bar House of Refuge Museum

P: (772) 225-1961 Ext. 102


Fast Fact

Fast Fact: What colors could you purchase a Ford Model T in?

One enduring Model T myth is that all of them were black. In fact, when the Model T first came on the market, customers could get one in blue, gray, green or red, but not black! The first black Model T appeared five years later. Some believe Henry Ford switched to black paint because it dried faster, but it probably was because black paint was cheap and durable, and turning out a car in only one color was cheaper still.

Sound Vibration

Global Sound Healing Day "Live Broadcast Worldwide!"

Connect Your Heart to the Heart of the World! • Love is the highest form of energy!

We will celebrate Valentine's Day in collaboration with the 22nd World Sound Healing Day is a global event dedicated to healing our planet through projecting internationalized loving sounds to the Earth. This event will be in person and live around the world on my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/deena.rahill/

Wednesday, February 14, 2:00 PM – 7:30 PM $45 per person Purchase tickets & RSVP here

Treasure Coast Medium " Past Life Regression"

Tess Tetrault, the Treasure Coast Medium, has been connecting souls here on the coast since she relocated from LI, N.Y., 10 yrs ago. Tess was born psychic and saw spirits as a child. At the age of 12, her gifts expanded after a near-deathexperience. Her philosophy is that love never dies. It’s the essence of the universe. We stay connected to our loved ones even after they leave their physical form.

Wednesday, February 21, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM $48 per person Purchase tickets & RSVP here

February Snow Full Moon

The power of the Full moon is sustained 4 days before and 4 days after exact date of the Full moon. Every month's full moon is unique in what it brings into your life. There's a new one every month with a story to tell, a meaning behind its name, and its own special way to affect you. Fortunately, with a little lunar knowledge, and sound therapy you can really make the most of this Full Moon. Sound therapy helps you transform your brain waves leading into a profoundly restorative state, which activates the body's self-healing system, igniting your creativity, increases your intuition, obtain a deep relaxation & so many more benefits.

Friday, February 23, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM $45 per person Purchase tickets & RSVP here

EVERY WEEK: Tune Up Tuesday at 2:00 pm,

Saturday Sound Healing at 6:00 pm, and

Sound Healing Sunday at 2:00 pm. 

To learn more about sound healing, new events, and what Deena does, visit her website www.soundvibration.net.

Check out Philly Down South - at their Tiki Hut

Check out our Live Music!

Every Friday and Saturday Night from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Jam Session every Tuesday Night from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

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