A total of $950,000.00 is available for distribution to charities, non-profits or for-profit businesses through UWP's partnership with the Government of Canada’s Reaching Home: Canada's Homelessness Strategy.
Applications and background information can be found on the United Way website
This funding has been allocated to our community to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the homeless population and to prevent the risk of Canadians becoming homeless.
Funding decisions will be guided by Peterborough's Homelessness Plan and the Peterborough Homelessness Coordinated Access System with eligible activities and expenses considered that fall under the following five priority areas.
- Housing Services
- Prevention and shelter diversion
- Health & Medical (COVID-19 context)
- Support services
- Capital Investments
Deadline for applications is October 22, 2021, with final decisions expected by October 29, 2021.
IMPORTANT – This funding must be spent by March 31, 2022.
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