New Toolkit on Interrupting Bullying & Harassment in Schools
IDRA EAC-South Launches Free Tools for Creating Safe, Friendly & Learning Supportive Spaces 
January 19, 2022
Bullying and harassment are two forms of relational violence that can hinder the establishment of safe spaces in schools and undermine students’ abilities to learn.

The IDRA EAC-South's new Interrupting Bullying & Harassment in Schools online toolkit is designed to give educators and school leaders tools that they need to prevent bullying and harassment by fostering a positive school climate.
This free online toolkit includes three chapters, each with a video and supporting resources, infographics, articles & podcasts.
See our other online toolkits!
Family Engagement
Diversifying the Field
Grow Your Own Educator Programs
Culturally Responsive Instruction and Leadership
Socioeconomic-Based Strategies for Racial Integration
The IDRA EAC-South is the equity assistance center that provides free or low-cost technical assistance to schools in the U.S. South. With roots in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the four federally-funded equity assistance centers help school districts build capacity to confront educational problems occasioned by race, national origin, sex and gender, and religion.
Media contact: Christie L. Goodman, APR, IDRA Director of Communications,; Thomas Marshall III, IDRA Policy Communications Strategist,
IDRA is an independent, non-profit organization whose mission is to achieve equal educational opportunity through strong public schools that prepare all students to access and succeed in college.