John Dickenson will be giving a new lesson series on Tuesday mornings from 10am to 11:30am.
The series will be based on Larry Cohen's 12 Conventions Everyone Should Know. Larry Cohen believes that players would be better off playing a few conventions WELL versus many conventions POORLY.
Each lesson will cost $20 cash at the door - no preregistration is necessary.
The preliminary schedule begins with:
9/17 Stayman and Jacoby
9/24 Unusual 2NT and Michaels cuebids
10/1 Systems over the opponents' Strong NT
You are probably thinking, "I already know Stayman and Jacoby". Do you? If you know the answers to ALL of the following questions, you probably do not need the first class.
1) partner opened 1NT and I bid 2C, Stayman. My opponent doubled for a club lead and my partner bid 2H - is he showing or denying a club stopper?
2) same auction but partner said redouble - what does that mean?
3) partner opened 1NT and I bid 2D, transfer to hearts. My opponent doubled for a diamond lead and my partner bid 2H - is he showing anything special or just completing the transfer?
4) Same auction but partner passed over the double of 2D - how can I get her to complete the transfer, I want her to be declarer!
5) I opened 1NT and partner bid 2D so I bid 2H. Now she bid 3C, what does that mean? Is it forcing?
6) I opened 1NT and partner bid 2D so I bid 2H. Now she bid 4N, what does that mean? Is it Blackwood?
Read about Larry Cohen's 12 important conventions here.