On this day we thank you for the circle of those who enrich our lives:
Those new friends and old acquaintances with whom we have connected today…
Those who are not physically present but surround our lives with love and care…
Those who have shaped our lives and continue to guide our future…
Those who have made the news headlines today because of what they have done or said…
Those who have been brought to our attention because of a meeting, conversation, or message…
Those who are in the hospital, in care, or a place that is strange to them…
Those in whose family or relationship there is stress or a break-up…
Those who are waiting for a bath, or a death, or news that will affect their lives…
Those who need to forget the God they do not believe in and meet the God who believes in them…
Those whose pain or potential we should not forget to share with you today…
As we end this prayer may we do so not to end our devotions, but to expect your kingdom, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
-from When Did We See You, Worship & Prayer Guide, PC(USA)