NEMWI Weekly Update 

November 27th, 2023

Northeast-Midwest Institute

To Mark Giving Tuesday

The Northeast-Midwest Institute, as a non-profit institution, will mark Giving Tuesday 2023 tomorrow, Tuesday, November 28, 2023.

Constituents of NEMWI will be asked to consider making a voluntary tax-deductible contribution to support the non-partisan policy education work that is NEMWI's hallmark.

NEMWI's Giving Tuesday request for support is attached here.

NEMWI Releases Updated Great Lakes and Water Legislation Tracker

Since the last edition of NEMWI's Great Lakes and Water Legislation Tracker, ten new bills of interest have been introduced. One of these is a joint House and Senate bill, titled the “Innovative Materials in American Growth and Infrastructure Newly Expanded Act,” or the IMAGINE Act. The bill, introduced by Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Susan Collins (R-ME), will “encourage research and innovation in construction materials and techniques to extend the life of transportation and water infrastructure [and] will help speed construction and improve resilience to flooding and corrosion of American infrastructure,” as stated in the Act.

The bill has been endorsed by the American Composites Manufacturers Association and the American Society of Civil Engineers. “Leveraging the skills of engineers in Maine and across the country, the IMAGINE Act would support innovative research of construction materials and techniques to help revitalize our nation's manufacturing and transportation infrastructure,” Sen. Collins said.

The IMAGINE Act can be viewed among other new bills in our updated Federal Great Lakes and Water Legislation Tracker here.

Reported by NEMWI Intern Ava O'Neill, Luther College

U.S. Global Change Research Program To Release 

Fifth National Climate Assessment Report

The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) announced last week that it has finalized the fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5) report as mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990 and will be releasing it to the public.

Every four or more years the USGCRP -- a collective composed of more than 500 experts from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and other federal agencies -- submits a comprehensive climate assessment report to Congress and the President to support informed environmental policymaking. The NCA5 covers an array of topics in 32 chapters, ranging from developments in the physical sciences, to regional climate issues, to international responses to enacted adaptation and mitigation strategies. 

The USGCRP notes that “Advances since the publication of the Fourth National Climate Assessment (2017–2018) have led to new understanding of the changing climate system, the resulting impacts on society, and approaches to reduce risks.” Improved climate modeling, the incorporation of socioeconomic analyses, and renewed attention paid to indigenous knowledge have allowed the USGCRP to make robust recommendations to reduce emissions and adapt to the worst impacts of climate change.

While the full NCA5 report has not yet been made available online, the USGCRP has released a “report in brief” that summarizes new developments and key findings. The Northeast-Midwest Institute will report on the Fifth National Climate Assessment in its entirety as soon as the report becomes available. 

A link to the Fifth Climate Assessment Report in Brief can be found here.

Reported by NEMWI Intern Ethan Groboski, Brown University

Connect With the Northeast-Midwest Institute

on LinkedIn

CONNECT with us on LinkedIn! The Northeast-Midwest Institute is re-vamping our LinkedIn page with new updates and information on our regional research and policy education programs. On LinkedIn we’ll be sharing timely updates on upcoming briefings, hearings, and events. NEMWI will also share important Great Lakes, water conservation, and manufacturing policy developments on LinkedIn to keep you in the know. 

Please check out our LinkedIn page here. And be sure to FOLLOW us to keep up to date with NEMWI on LinkedIn!

Follow the Northeast-Midwest Institute on Twitter
FOLLOW us on Twitter! The Northeast-Midwest Institute is on Twitter with new updates and information on its regional research and policy education program and with announcements for upcoming briefings and events. NEMWI is posting our research reports on current regional issues and ongoing policy education on the page to make keeping up with our policy work easier than ever. The Institute also is updating the page with announcements of upcoming policy briefings and webinars. NEMWI is excited for the opportunity to connect with as many people as possible on our Twitter page.
Please check out our Twitter page here or by searching @NEMWInstitute. And be sure to FOLLOW us to keep up to date with NEMWI on Twitter!
Follow the Northeast-Midwest Institute on Facebook
LIKE us on Facebook! The Northeast-Midwest Institute is on Facebook with new updates and information on its regional research and policy education program and with announcements for upcoming briefings and events. NEMWI is posting our research reports on current regional issues and ongoing policy education on the page to make keeping up with our policy work easier than ever. The Institute also is updating the page with announcements of upcoming policy briefings and webinars. NEMWI is excited for the opportunity to connect with as many people as possible on our Facebook page.
Please check out our Facebook page here. And be sure to LIKE us to begin following NEMWI on Facebook!
This Week in Washington

In the House:

Hearing: America Leads the Way: Our History as the Global Leader at Reducing Emissions

Wednesday, November 29th | 10:00 AM | 2123 Rayburn HOB

Host: Committee on Energy and Commerce | Subcommittee on Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials

Hearing: Oversight Hearing titled Examining the Biden Administrations Offshore Wind Development Policy.

Wednesday, November 29th | 2:00 PM | 1324 Longworth HOB

Host: Committee on Natural Resources | Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries

In the Senate:

Hearings to examine the Water Resources Development Act of 2024, focusing on stakeholder feedback on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project partnership agreements.

Wednesday, November 29th | 10:00 AM | SD-406

Host: Committee on Environment and Public Works

Northeast-Midwest Institute |

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