New Year, New Beginnings

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2022 Statistics

Clients Housed - 103

Clients Employed - 474

Child Support Paid - $59,149.68

Taxes Paid - $567,237.45


Clients Housed - 55

Clients Employed - 27

Graduates for the Quarter - 13

Baptisms for the Quarter - 2

A new year brings new things - Brad Bowie, President

Happy New Year! We are so excited to announce some major changes in our program. We have been a 6-month program for over 25 years, but as of January 1 of this year, we are now a 12-month program. Clients will live on campus the first 9 months. The last 3 months, they will finish the program as outpatients, maintaining their recovery in their home environment. During the outpatient phase, clients will meet regularly with our treatment staff for relapse prevention groups, and they be required to attend 2 recovery support meetings per week. The program has also been broken down into 5 phases. The new phase chart is shown below.

Every year, we follow-up with all Safe Harbor graduates to see how they are doing and what issues they have encountered. We use this information to evaluate and revise our program model to better prepare our clients for reentering their home environments. It has become obvious over the past years that clients need more time in a structured environment to be successful in long-term recovery. Our data has found the 3 main obstacles clients face are: finding safe affordable housing, obtaining their driver’s license, and finding ongoing support for their recovery. The changes in our program will help them answer these issues.

Please continue to pray for our clients. We believe with a foundation in Christ and being equipped with the right tools, they will be successful in their recovery. They will also set the course for their children to not walk in the same footsteps as they have, because they will become the fathers, mothers, and leaders God created them to be.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We could not do this without you!

Together We Can Make A Difference!!

From our Director - David Elkins

Faithful Supporters,

As we closed the door on 2023, I hope your year was full of joy and fulfillment. I pray you are trusting Jesus more and more as we embark on a New Year, with the uncertainties of this world continuing to get more concerning and more in line with the end times prophecies of God’s word.

Imagine though, if you were trying to get back on track or on track for the first time ever and all around you are the things that have tripped you up in the past. Life-controlling substances are more readily available than ever before, even promoted through the convenient stores or our government’s legalization. These strongholds of addiction are baffling and hard to understand, but for those who have broken the chains through The Safe Harbor Program are living God honoring lives.

Let me highlight just a few!

Landon has married the mother of his children, welcoming their 4 children back into the home, and is Assistant Director at Safe Harbor. Tim reunited with his wife, enjoying children and grandchildren, on track to becoming Superintendent at his work. Brandon, Foreman at his job and just welcomed a precious little baby girl into this world. Robert has been a friend and sponsor to the clients at Safe Harbor since graduating 3+ years ago, just welcomed his daughter back home. Dustin, married with two beautiful children and trainer at his work.

Success, Success, Success!

And all of these will tell you without allowing Jesus to take control, life wouldn’t be so good!

Now as I as you can see, we are expanding! Our ability to help those struggling with life controlling issues will double to seventy beds by summer of 2024.

We need your help!

Would you please pray and ask Jesus how you can help? Trying to furnish the rooms of our new cottages and provide life changing programing is just a couple of ways we need you, so please get involved with Safe Harbor as we share the Hope of Jesus Christ to a struggling and dying world!

To God be the Glory!

In His Service,

Pastor David Elkins

Celebrating Success

We celebrated the graduation of 13 clients in the 4th Quarter here in Jefferson County. During their time at Safe Harbor, they were forced to dig deep within their selves to find strength to overcome obstacles, all while growing stronger, wiser, and more capable. Some may have overcome things that once seemed insurmountable, but they emerged on the other side, ready to take on the world.

We are excited to see them going home being the men that God intended them to be!

Know God. Find Freedom. Discover Purpose. Make A Difference.

See all of our Celebration Sunday pictures here

Partner of the Quarter - Custom Foods of America

"It is my pleasure to award Custom Foods of America our Partner of the Quarter. We have been with them for many years. They take part in our clients' lives, as well as giving them employment. It is that personal touch that they continue to deliver that makes me feel excited every time we get positions for our clients out there. It starts in the HR office with Patty, Kelli, Steven, Wally and more. Then it is off to the department heads Grover and Ed who do an excellent job working with our clients. What is even better is our clients get further opportunities to go full-time after they graduate and many of them are working there still to this day. Thanks again to Custom Foods." - James Staffan, Reliable Coordinator


During the 4th Quarter 2 men were baptized in Jefferson County. We celebrated the beginning of a "new" life for these clients, as they publicly professed their faith through baptism.

We want to encourage and support them as they continue to grow in their relationship with God and learn to walk with faith.

Client of the Quarter

"I would like to share my testimony with you about what GOD has done in my life since coming to Safe Harbor of Jefferson County. I never expected HIM to even begin to do all the wonders that HE has.

My life of crime started in my early 20's. I worked in the coal mines in Kentucky, while hard work it was a rewarding job. With almost any job, an injury happened while at work and a doctor visit was required. A pain pill prescription brought about my addiction to them. Needing to work, medication easing the pain, the more often you use the less the pain becomes. When the coal mines closed the work became less, but not the bills. I stared using more and caring less for others or myself. Not being able to keep a real job, my job became a life of theft. To prison I went, the price of my job.

When I got out of prison, I restarted my life with a new marriage, new job and working good. Before a good life took hold, I was once again using pain pills. My mind altered the thinking of a different way to do my second hand job, a better way. In a sudden flash headed back to prison again. One more time I have allowed the devil to take my family, what I worked for and my freedom as a gift from me.

Now out of prison on a new path, following a new idea (to me) GOD gave me mercy and grace. HE saved my ragged soul, restored relationships with my family, to hear my Dad tell me "I am proud of you" was more than I could ask for. To be trusted by family and friends again is a great big blessing for me. Another small blessing is a restored relationship with a lady that I tried to destroy her faith in the human race. Regaining her love and trust is truly a miracle straight from our GOD who loves us more.

Being at Safe Harbor JC GOD has opened doors for me to help others with life or addiction struggles. All because HE has taken that addiction from me. Giving my life to GOD has been the greatest thing that I have ever accomplished in my lifetime. It was all HIM, he just let me confess to HIM. Daily I thank GOD for all HE has done, is doing and will do in my life. Safe Harbor is a gift that GOD has provided for people to find and fall in love with GOD. They showed me that without GOD I would have no story, nor be here to share my story.


Thank you"

~ K.H.

What is Community?

Community is defined as "a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals."

We are proud of the community we are building, and thankful for the community that is embracing us. Without community support we would not be able to do what we do.

A big thank you to the Avenue Church in Talbott Tennessee for the amazing recent donation of meats and foods!

Thanks to Broadway Carpets we have new flooring for our guest apartment and a new runner for our office hall.

Staff of the Quarter - Justin Goodwin

Justin knew God had a calling on his life to serve on staff at Safe Harbor. For over a year Justin has moved from driver to 3rd shift program navigator to just recently shifted to day and evening shift.

He continues to learn and serve with integrity and for this reason he is Staff of the Quarter!

Partner of the Year - D&S Builders

Our Partner of the year award goes to D&S Builders. If you have ever traveled to Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge or Sevierville you may have passed a structure that our clients have worked on and been a part of. From ritzy hotels to car dealerships to even Putt-Putt golf locations, D&S Builders has built or renovated those facilities. The men in our program have been integral to all those operations. They all start off as laborers and depending on experience, talent, and sheer drive they move the ranks of responsibilities they have to offer and need. Throughout the many years we have many that have hire on full time and are even foreman and superintendents of their own jobsites. It has been a real pleasure working with D&S builders and may we have many more years of continues partnership.

Upcoming Events

We are very excited about our 2024 Golf Tournament that is quickly approaching.

Interested in sponsoring this event? Call 844-921-4673 ext. 8212


4 Man Scramble at Paris Landing State Park

April 19, 2024

8 am Shotgun Start

$400 Entry per team - Accepting 34 Teams 

(This includes Greens Fee, Cart, Lunch & a bucket of range balls.)

​Prize Money TBD

Event Address: 

285 Golf Course Lane

Buchanan, TN 38222

Contests & Prizes

  • Hole In One
  • Longest Drive Contest
  • Closest to the Pin
  • Putting Contest
  • Chipping Contest
  • Marshmallow Drive

Lots of prizes to be given away throughout the day!

General Information

Registration opens Feb 1, 2024

Mulligans $20

Buy 1 Red Tee for $20 per team

Buy a drop on Par 5 for $20 per team

More Information HERE

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