January 2024 Newsletter

Last year, with our help, 70% of Reading Power students met grade level literacy. Become a Reading Power donor or tutor today and help us change the literacy journey of more Illinois students.

Program Spotlight: Whitman Elementary School

Reading Power's Walt Whitman Elementary program began in September 2023 as part of the expansion into Cook County and is one of two programs in the Wheeling CCSD21 school district. Site Coordinator Debbie Loring and Assistant Site Coordinator Julie DiGuiseppe run the site. It is powered by over 28 volunteer tutors, including Arona Baron, a former Wheeling district teacher. Arona shares, "I am excited to give back to the district where I began my career. I have always wanted to work with small groups and individual children, and Reading Power allows me to do just that. I am making a difference daily."

Whitman Elementary is home to Reading Power's first combined program, serving students in kindergarten through second grade three days a week. The combined program offers a unique opportunity for all Reading Power's programs to work together. Students benefit from the continuity of starting the program in kindergarten and continuing in first and second grades, as needed. For tutors, it offers the ability to acquire a broader range of tutoring skills for each grade level's literacy needs. As Associate Director of Programs Viri Perez shares, "By interacting with additional grade levels, tutors have more tools in their toolbox to better support their students, wherever they happen to be on their literacy journey."

The Reading Power program at Whitman Elementary exemplifies our commitment to accelerating children's literacy learning and to develop their love of reading and writing. As Whitman Elementary Principal Samantha Roth describes, "Reading Power has brought excitement and enthusiasm to our school daily. Learning to read is imperative and the purpose behind the program; however, what's even more important to me is the love and excitement for reading that is being fostered in our students. Anyone can learn to read, but Reading Power fosters passion and self-confidence."

These Reading Power first and second grade students recently received their 100 Fast Words certificates

If you would like to join the Whitman tutoring team, please contact Beth Zender

Welcome To The Team

Reading Power welcomes Karen Citow, MA, as its newest Assistant Site Coordinator at the LEARN 6 First/Second grade program. Before joining Reading Power, Karen worked with the Department of Children and Family Services in Chicago and Los Angeles as both a social worker and a supervisor and taught elementary grades for several years. She is a proud, lifelong bookworm passionate about helping students develop a love for reading both for the joy it brings and for them to reach their fullest potential. Welcome, Karen!

Reading Power Page Turners

We love celebrating our incredible volunteer tutors at Reading Power. Each week, a tutor is selected as a "Page Turner" and selects a favorite picture book to be added to their site library. This program is generously funded by Reading Power Board Chair Kathy McFarland. Building a brighter future for our students, one book at a time.

Lois Glick, Whitman Elementary Tutor

Lois dedicates her time as a tutor at Walt Whitman Elementary and shares her passion for the impact of Reading Power: "It is an excellent, well-designed program that enables children to grow as readers and writers. Reading Power's structured support helps me meet their individual needs, and I am thrilled to put my years of teaching to good use again!"

Jerry Levy, Lincoln Elementary Tutor

As a dedicated volunteer tutor at Reading Power, Jerry embodies the spirit of selfless service. He explains his motivation to volunteer: "Helping children improve reading skills enables them to be more productive, happier community members. Working with my students and developing a trusting relationship where they can learn and grow is immensely gratifying."

Anne Shapiro, LEARN 6 & 10 Tutor

Anne's journey with various nonprofits has led her to a heartfelt conclusion: "Hands down, Reading Power is my favorite nonprofit that I have volunteered with. What this program does for their students, the schools, and often their volunteers is truly amazing. I am lucky to be part of such a solid organization."

Stocking The Book Shelves

Each Reading Power classroom has a diverse library that offers a wide selection of books catering to different reading levels and interests, encouraging our students to explore and discover the joys of reading. 

If you would like to add a book to a Reading Power program library, please visit our team’s Amazon Wish List.

Save The Date

Reach for the Stars: Celebrating 20 years of literacy success 

Join us for a magical evening on Thursday, April 25th at Chicago Botanic Garden as we celebrate 20 years of Reading Power. Visit our website for more information.

Our Mission

Our mission is to accelerate children’s literacy learning and develop their love for reading and writing 

Our Vision

We envision a world where all children have a strong literacy foundation to support lifelong learning

Reading Power Board of Directors

Kathy McFarland, PhD, Chairman

Kathleen Cowie, Vice Chairman

Jim Young, MBA, Treasurer

Ann Bates, EdD, Secretary

Joanie Alley, MSEd

Rob Davis, JD, MBA

Mary Jane Hender, EdD

Todd Litzsinger

Rahul Malhotra, MBA

Jonathan McGee, MBA

Melinda Mooney

Pratik Patel, JD

Sara Poticha

Jacalyn Ramdin-Johnson, MBA

Beverly Raudabaugh, MBA

Frank Sibley

Peter Ting, CPA

Arthur Turner

Mary Weber, MA

Rev. Dr. Gordon Butcher, DMin, Emeritus

Reading Power Program Staff

Lisa Bulzoni, MEd, CEO 

Kristin Fine, MEd, Director of Programs

Viri Perez, MEd, Associate Director of Programs

Jen Barnabee, EdS, Program Specialist and Site Coordinator

Kate Burke, BS, Marketing and Communications Manager

Beth Zender, MEd, Volunteer Coordinator

Daniela Cruz, Office Manager

Melayna Pokorny, BA, Office Assistant 

Annette Anderson, Assistant Site Coordinator

Karen Citow, MA, Assistant Site Coordinator

Julie Collishaw, MA, Site Coordinator

Brooke Davis, MEd, Site Coordinator

Rachael Deutsch, BA, Assistant Site Coordinator

Julie DiGuiseppe, BS, Assistant Site Coordinator

Andrea Glickman, MAEd, Site Coordinator

Marla Guziec, BS, Site Coordinator

Joy Israel, BA. Assistant Site Coordinator

Randi Klawans, MEd, Site Coordinator 

Carole Klein-Alexander, MAT, Assistant Site Coordinator 

Melissa Kumin, MEd, Site Coordinator

Aimee Lewis, MEd, Site Coordinator

Debbie Loring, MSEd, Site Coordinator

Katie Michols, MEd, Site Coordinator

Susie Olefsky, MEd, Site Coordinator 

Kristy Pfeffer, BA, Assistant Site Coordinator 

Cathy Plate, MSEd, Assistant Site Coordinator

Heather Rosenblatt, MAT, Site Coordinator

Emily Sampson, BA, Assistant Site Coordinator 

Mandy Siegel, MEd, Site Coordinator 

Elizabeth Soling, AA, Assistant Site Coordinator

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