January 12, 2016
What's New
With Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary looming, it's debate time again! PGW will be live-tweeting the GOP debate (Thursday, January 14, 9:00 EST, Fox Business Network) and the Democratic debate (Sunday, January 17, 9:00 EST, NBC). Join in using #GenderWatch2016.

Also, join @GenderWatch2016 and @AAUW during tonight's State of the Union address. Download your bingo card and play along!
Expert Analysis
The curse of the presidency
Hollywood's most popular presidents are men who curse when they mean business, and today's male presidential candidates seems to be taking their cues from the movies. But would that be OK for the women running? Not so much, writes Barbara Lee Family Foundation executive director Adrienne Kimmell, pointing out the double standard that punishes women for swearing. Read her analysis  
What we expect of the presidential spouse
While the question posed to Hillary Clinton about the role of the presidential spouse was widely viewed as problematic, there is room for discussion on the subject, says CAWP scholar Kelly Dittmar. Get the full analysis here.
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P lay SOTU Bingo with #GenderWatch2016 and @AAUW at 9pm EST. #AAUWSOTU  http://presidentialgenderwatch.org/play-sotu-bingo-with-pgw-and-aauw/

Facts & Figures

Don't miss the latest facts and figures at Presidential Gender Watch. Here are some recent highlights:
In the latest Quinnipiac poll in Iowa, Donald Trump leads Ted Cruz in Iowa with 7 point gender gap (33% men, 26% women). IA GOP women view Cruz as more honest and trustworthy than Trump (76% Cruz,  58% Trump), and they believe Cruz is more likely to care about the needs and problems of people like them (75% Cruz, 56% Trump).

The New York
Times reports that attacks on Bill Clinton may prove helpful to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump considers the former President's past fair game, along with Secretary Clinton's responses to it, but whether that will help or hurt her remains to be seen.

Parents of daughters support Hillary Clinton more than parents of sons, per The Washington Post. This finding is consistent with other studies showing that "parents of daughters are more supportive of feminist positions than parents of only sons."    
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