New Year. New Home. New Memories.
Meet Silvia. Single Mom. Foster-Adoptive Mom. "New home" owner.

Silvia Montenegro is ringing in the new year with a beautiful new home that will provide safety, shelter and years of memories for her and her two adoptive sons thanks to RWB Construction. Her old house, a 1930's structure, was always a "home," but after several rounds of repairs, Robert Burrage with RWB decided it was too far gone for more repair.

"We pulled back the stucco and the beams were gone. The house was on the verge of collapse. So we decided the only right and safe thing would be to demolish it and start new. Silvia and the boys are so deserving." explains Robert. He continues, "Several years ago I was looking for something to fulfill me. Something I can get involved with and get my own family involved. So I asked Place of Hope if they had any families that needed help, and that is when I met Silvia."

Silvia fostered nine boys through Place of Hope in her original home and adopted two of them. She recalls when the boys first came into her care, they were so withdrawn and reclusive. One of the boys would not even speak. After loving on them, singing to them and demonstrating safety, stability and speaking life into them for months, the boys became alive with joy and excitement. Fast forward and this family of three is thriving and celebrating each day God gives as a gift. Now, thanks to RWB Construction, they have a new home to celebrate too!

Because of You
This year has been another exciting time for Place of Hope as we celebrate all that we have been able to accomplish together with you. We continue to see God’s hand over our combined efforts and are blessed to see God open more doors to reach those in desperate need of hope and healing. We are so grateful for you and our generous community, for joining this critical mission of helping the fatherless, the widows, and the destitute.
January is National Human Trafficking Prevention & Awareness Month
Although January is National Human Trafficking Prevention & Awareness Month, this heinous crime plagues our cities and neighborhoods every single day. It is critical for the safety and wellbeing of our children, youth and families that we shine a light on this issue bringing it out of the darkness, making it no longer invisible to the average person.

In 2019 Place of Hope created an educational film, Invisible, to do just that. The documentary style film takes less than 30 minutes to watch, and will forever open your eyes to the reality of what can and is happening right here in our backyard. #BeTheLight #JoinTheMovement and watch the full length film on our YouTube channel @placeofhopepbg or click the hyperlink above. To learn more about scheduling your own viewing or a personalized, in-person educational presentation, email us at

In addition to education and awareness presentations, Place of Hope is fighting this egregious crime by providing high-quality case management, wrap around support services and housing for survivors of human trafficking. On average, Place of Hope is caring for nearly a dozen survivors each day across our footprint - both male and female, and adults and minors. Unfortunately, there are not many organizations providing these resources. #BeTheLight #JoinTheMovement and make a donation toward our Human Trafficking Education, Prevention and Support Services program.
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