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AT News, Winter 2025

New devices in the AT Library

Aids for Daily Living

Elispoon - No batteries or electrics. Elispoon is a spill-proof spoon designed to compensate for the user’s movements and keep the food in the bowl.

Time Management

TimeTimer -  A visual timer designed to “show” the passage of time through the use of a red disk that disappears as time elapses.

Relish DayHub Dementia Clock - Specially designed clock to help people with dementia keep better track of day, time, and tasks.

Communication Devices

PicSeePal - AAC housing that is lightweight, portable, customizable, splash proof, modular and easy to use. A light-tech solution that can be taken anywhere.

Talking Brix 2 - Set of three speech devices. Pressing the colored top plays a single message up to 10-seconds long. Can be used individually or connected to make a multi-message speech device.

Learning & Cognition

ScanMarker Reader - Bluetooth compatible scanning pen that scans, converts, reads aloud, and provides translation to over 140 languages.

Echo2 Smart Pen - Record everything you hear, say, and write, while adding your audio recordings to your notes. Quickly replay audio from your Echo 2 smartpen or mobile device with a simple tap on your handwritten notes.

Contact MDTAP to request a consultation, demonstration, or device loan. Submit your AT request today.

A spoon that remains steady regardless of angle of hold

Exploring AT? Let these sites help you narrow the choices!

Looking for resources to help you narrow down your choice of AT? Check out these websites to help you make a more informed decision about AT.

New Prints in the 3D Fab Lab!

Recently Added to our Free 3D printed AT Catalogue:

  • Phone stand for magnification and OCR
  • Pull tab can opener

Newly Designed and Printed for Individual, Specialized Requests:

  • Toothpaste cap opener
  • Adapted Guitar pick

Get in touch at to learn more!

January, February, March AT Webinars

Digital Mapping Accessibility

January 22, 2025

1pm - 2pm

Scanning Pens and Smart Pens: How and Why to Use Them?

February 11, 2025

1pm - 2pm

Love Your Ride: A heartfelt approach to funding options for Adapted Vs. Non Adapted Autos

​February 13, 2025

2pm - 3pm

Accessibility Starting Tools for Web and Documents

February 19, 2025

1pm - 2pm

AT For Emotional & Behavioral Disorders

March 11, 2025

2pm - 3:30pm

Writing in Plain Language

March 19, 2025

1pm - 2pm

Visit the MDTAP website for our complete calendar of trainings.

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