
Happy New Year! With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season behind you, now is the time to look at your financial goals. You may want to reduce your debt, save for a mortgage, save for retirement, or start by building a budget. No matter what your goal is, we have the resources to help you achieve it. You can make an appointment with a Personal Account Manager to help guide you. Call 506-622-4532.

Need help working out some financial details?Our online calculators can steer you in the right direction, and perhaps give you an indication of what your financial goals should be.

Click here for calculators>> 

Whether you’re financing a kitchen renovation project, heat pump, or looking to consolidate debts—we can help you find the flexible solution to suit your needs and budget.

Click here for loan information>>

We have access to a comprehensive range of investment products and services to suit your needs and the financial expertise to help achieve your savings goals.

Click here for retirement information>>

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Enjoy peace of mind by consolidating your credit card balances and saving on annual interest charges with no-fee balance transfers at a 3.9% interest rate.

Learn more>>

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