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Welcome to the first South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce Newsletter of 2024! It is a pleasure to share that we kicked off the year on a high note, reveling in festive cheer alongside our esteemed members at the delightful Safe Sweat in December.

Heartfelt thanks go to Emre Ozgur and Andrea Kloegman, the gracious owners of Safe Sweat, for generously hosting the event.

The vegan truffle mac n' cheese provided by Grounds & Greens Cafe was spectacular!

Thank you to Soon from Asahi Canada who kept the drinks flowing throughout the night.

Anticipation is high as we embark on a year brimming with exciting networking opportunities and memorable experiences.

For a list of more networking events please click here.

Be Featured in the February Newsletter

Act fast to take advantage of our upcoming promotion!

We are offering a special opportunity to showcase your Business in our February edition of the Chamber Newsletter—for FREE.

If your content aligns with activities happening in February, simply submit it by January 29, and we'll ensure it gets the attention it deserves.

Post your Events!

Posting your event is FREE and EASY!

Not sure how? No problem!

Contact the Chamber for help or watch this instructional video by clicking the button below.

Video: How to Post Your Event

Post your Community Discount!

Are you offering a special promo or discount this February? Post it for FREE on the Chamber Website!

Not sure how to post? No problem!

Contact the Chamber for help or watch the video by clicking the button below.

Video: How to Post Community Discounts

Want more promotion? We've got you covered!

Let the Chamber create a unique Member Feature email tailored to your business!

Showcase your strengths, highlight key offerings, and reach a wider audience within our vibrant community.

Reach an audience of over 2000 business professionals in South Surrey & White Rock!

Reply to this email to schedule your Member Feature today.

More Information

Upcoming Featured Networking Events

Surrey State of the City

Thursday, February 15

11AM - 2PM

Sheraton Guildford


$150.00 each

$1,650.00 table of 11


Pass the Puck!

Complementary Surrey Eagles HOME GAME tickets are available at participating locations in South Surrey & White Rock.

Find out how to get FREE tickets! Click below.

Hockey Tickets

Welcome New Chamber Members!

Wednesday, January 24 | 8AM - 9AM

Aspira Pacifica

2525 King George Blvd, Surrey

Members: $10 | Non-Members: $20


Celebrate Lunar New Year

Wednesday, February 7 | 12PM - 2:30PM

The Bund

15057 Marine Dr., White Rock

Save the Date!

Registration details soon

Full Community Events Calendar

Welcome New Chamber Members!

Thank you Pillar Partners



Please share this notice with others in your network who might
find the information valuable.

Deliver your own personalized Member Feature to over 2000 Chamber and community contacts with an average open rate of over 51%. Contact the Chamber team at info@sswrchamber.ca or (604) 536-6844.

For more interesting and valuable updates, visit www.sswrchamber.ca

and follow us on social media @sswrchamber

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