Policy Engagement
Public Power Advocates
Join us for a quarterly call to discuss state and federal policymaker decisions that could significantly impact your communities. The informal briefings take from 30-60 minutes. Contact Joseph Owen for more information.

American Public Power Association (APPA) Legislative Rally
February 26 - 28 (Washington D.C.)
WPPI is coordinating member participation in this important advocacy event.

State Associations
Stay in touch with state associations and check websites for upcoming opportunities.

Speakers Bureau
Staff is available to speak in your community at service organizations or other local group meetings in-person or virtually. Subject matter experts can speak on issues relevant to your local utility, WPPI, the energy industry or other related topics that would be of interest.

APPA Membership

APPA has offered exclusive access to the recording of its session of Best Practices in Public Power Governance. Check it out using the link: