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Newsletter Vol. 7 No. 1

January 2025

A New Year and New Beginnings

Photo by Trev W. Adams

Central to Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity’s mission is the belief that every individual deserves another chance. With a new year comes new opportunities and new resolve, but also new challenges. As our nation goes through a time of great uncertainty and transition, many are feeling anxious and uneasy about the obstacles that lie ahead. 

In 2025 and in the years to come, PLSE will continue to stand up and fight for individuals with criminal records in order to ensure they receive another chance and a fair shot at achieving their goals. Our society is strongest when every member of it, including those affected by contact with the justice system, is able to participate fully in community life and reach their true potential. We remain steadfast in our commitment to the communities we serve. People change; records should too.

Save the Date!

On Thursday, February 13th join PLSE for an exciting evening, honoring award-winning filmmaker and former Mike Lee Fellow Shuja Moore, hosted by Willig, Williams and Davidson. Keep an eye on your inbox and PLSE’s social media accounts for more details to follow! 

PLSE Updates

Zach Keasling Elected Chair of the PPSC

PLSE wants to extend a hearty congratulations to Zach Keasling, recently named Chair of the Pardon Project Steering Committee! In addition to this honor, Zach is also the recipient of the 2024 Rev. Michelle Excellence in Advocacy award. Way to start 2025 with a bang, Zach! We can’t wait to see what you do in the role.

Thank You to our Departing Board Members

We’d like to extend our warmest gratitude to three cherished members of the PLSE board rotating off. Josie Reed, Akeem Sims, Evan Figueroa-Vargas, Yvette Sizer, and Mike Solomonov will be stepping down after several years of valuable service. Thank you for your time and support of PLSE and your commitment to our mission and our clients!

Things We're Excited for in Philly!

  1. Eagles in the playoffs— Go birds!
  2. The new protected bike lanes coming to Chestnut and Market Streets.
  3. Restaurant Week
  4. The art museum’s new exhibit featuring work from contemporary artists from the African Diaspora: the Time is Always Now
  5. SNOW!
  6. Seeing Gritty in real life at next week’s Flyers game!


PLSE Hosts Clinics with ORP and The Elevation Project

On Saturday, January 11th PLSE hosted a record clearing clinic with the Office of Reentry Partnerships at the Belfield Recreation Center in Germantown. PLSE is grateful for ORP’s continued partnership, professionalism, and commitment to serving justice-involved Philadelpians.

On Saturday, January 18th in collaboration with the Elevation Project and The Promise, PLSE helped staff a record clearing clinic at Overbrook High School. We partnered with our dear friends at Community Legal Services and were able to speak with over 150 people about the next steps in clearing their records. We want to especially thank Jamie Gullen, Managing Attorney of CLS’s Employment Unit for her leadership at the event.

Three things you can do:

  1. Make a tax-deductible gift to PLSE.
  2. Check out, follow, and share our newly updated YouTube channel.
  3. Share our newsletter with your friends and family so they can stay informed about the work we do. Subscribe here!

Because Social Justice Requires Social Action

Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity

230 S. Broad Street, Suite 1102,

Philadelphia PA 19102

(267) 519-5323

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