Greetings from the Assembly of Called-Out Believers!
Shalom Brothers and Sisters, fellow Truth Seekers, Eternal Family and fellow Called-Out Believers... We send greetings in the name of the Holy One of Israel and hope the below items bless you with info and resources for your continued Torah studies and growth in Truth!
First and foremost, we want bless you and say thank you
for being a valued part of the Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Worldwide Mishpachah (Family)
by giving you this very special free download
of a Hebrew Transliterated Bible with Pronunciations
that will help you in your reading of the Torah!
To help all truth-seekers we thought we would post the actual day of the new month of Aviv as the Religious head of the year (which will begin the evening of this Friday April 1 through April 2) so all can be on the same page with your new moon feast as well as calculate your Pesach seders correctly which will be Friday evening, April 15th!
Shanah Tovah... Happy New Year!
God says, "This is My Sign between Me and My People - those who keep My Shabbats!"

Since God's Religious calendar is based on the three heavenly witnesses (the sun, moon and stars) as well as the earthy agricultural witness (the barley in the state of Aviv), how important do you think it is to understand these things from scripture, as well as observe these set-apart times to be His set-apart people? In this teaching we look at the moon!

In the Passover haftorah of 2 Kings 23:1-9, 21-25, we read about the young King Josiah finding the Torah scrolls and returning the people to the true observance of Passover. We parallel this with the original commandments in Torah about how to observe Passover (Pesach) and how Yeshua observed it with his disciples in accordance with the Torah and how we will observe it in the Millennial kingdom!
Think about what you can do in your local areas to share the Beauty of Yah's Holy Days in Leviticus 23 and bring them to life for others! For a list of the dates of all the Holy days for 2022, click here!
We want to wish you a very special and meaningful Passover and week of Unleavened Bread and pray blessings upon you in every area of your life!

As many may not have a Messianic Haggadah for the Passover Seder we wanted to bless you with a free 50 page Haggadah Booklet you can download and print for the blessing of your family!
First Day
Nissan 15, 5782
April 16, 2022

First Torah:
On the FIRST DAY OF PASSOVER we read from the book of Exodus (12:21-51) of the bringing of the Passover Offering in Egypt, the Plague of the Firstborn at the stroke of midnight, and how "On this very day, G‑d took the Children of Israel out of Egypt."

Second Torah:
Numbers 28:16-25

Joshua 3:5-7; Joshua 5:2 - 6:1; Joshua 6:27

Second Day
Nissan 16, 5782
April 17, 2022

First Torah:
The reading for the SECOND DAY OF PASSOVER, Leviticus 22:26-23:44, includes: a list of the moadim — the "appointed times" on the Jewish calendar for festive celebration of our bond with G‑d; the mitzvah to Count the Omer (the 49-day "countdown" to the festival of Shavuot which begins on the 2nd night of Passover); and the obligation to journey to the Holy Temple to "to see and be seen before the face of G‑d" on the three annual pilgrimage festivals — Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot.

Second Torah:
Numbers 28:16-25

Kings II 23:1-9; Kings II 23:21-25

Third Day
Nissan 17, 5782
April 18, 2022

First Torah:
Instructions to commemorate the Exodus by sanctifying the firstborn, avoiding leaven and eating matzah on Passover, telling one's children the story of the Exodus, and donning tefillin (Exodus 13:1-16).

Second Torah:
Numbers 28:19-25

Fourth Day
Nissan 18, 5782
April 19, 2022

First Torah:
A portion from the Parshah of Mishpatim which includes the laws of the festivals (Exodus 22:24-23:19).

Second Torah:
Numbers 28:19-25

Fifth Day
Nissan 19, 5782
April 20, 2022

First Torah:
A section describing Moses' receiving of the Second Tablets and G‑d's revelation to him of His Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, which likewise concludes with the laws of the festivals (Exodus 34:1-26); when one of the "intermediate days" of Passover is Shabbat, this is the reading read on that day, and it begins 12 verses earlier, with 33:12).

Second Torah:
Numbers 28:19-25

Sixth Day
Nissan 20, 5782
April 21, 2022

First Torah:
The story and laws of the "Second Passover" (Numbers 9:1-14).

Second Torah:
Numbers 28:19-25

Seventh Day
Nissan 21, 5782
April 22, 2022

First Torah:
On the SEVENTH DAY OF PASSOVER we read how on this day the sea split for the Children of Israel and drowned the pursuing Egyptians, and the "Song at the Sea" sung by the people upon their deliverance (Exodus 13:17-15:26; full summary with commentary here).

Second Torah:
Numbers 28:19-25

Samuel II 22:1-51

Eighth Day
Nissan 22, 5782
April 23, 2022

First Torah:
On the EIGHTH DAY OF PASSOVER we read Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17. Like the reading for the second day, it catalogs the annual cycle of festivals, their special observances, and the offerings brought on these occasions to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The Eighth Day's special connection with the Future Redemption is reflected in the Haftorah (reading from the Prophets) for this day (Isaiah 10:32-12:6).

Second Torah:
Numbers 28:19-25

Isaiah 10:32 - 12:6
Prepare for next Shabbat's Torah parashah by listening and learning from our new illustrasted dvar Torah study covering both Torah Parsha Tazria from Leviticus 12-13 as well as Torah Parsha Metzora covering chapters 14 and 15.

Altogether, in this double Parshah of Tazria-Metzora it is revealed there are 18 new mitzvot comprised of 9 positive commandments and 9 prohibitions...
7 mitzvot in Tazria from Ch. 12-13 and 11 mitzvot in Metzora in Ch. 14-15.
Find more amazing videos teaching Torah and Prophecy on our YouTube channel at
What do over 150 countries have in common this week? They were all empowered with a knowledge of truth, inspiration, community and much more on, and we now have thousands of individuals viewing our video teachings every day in almost every country around the world revealing God's amazing hand in empowering us to take His Torah to the Nations in the Spirit of Love!
TORAH TEACHING: Child or scholar, poor or wealthy, seeker, dabbler, or advanced questioner, we seek to serve each one individually no matter what their background with free Bible studies, Hebrew classes, D'var Torah, Personal Discipleship and more!
TIKKUN OLAM: We are also very involved in putting the Torah of Love into action by helping widows and orphans around the world as well as providing bibles to the poor through our non-profit work and kindly invite you to help us continue to meet this challenge! 

Please open up your heart wide and send a love-offering to bring life-affirming services to the countless thousands whom you may never meet but whose lives and futures we seek to bless
Remember: Every dollar you contribute today is an investment in the future of our brethren worldwide! Please take a few moments to contribute online here:
We are developing Assembly Home Group Fellowships using the Weekly Torah Parashah teachings and invite you to participate! Let us know if you would like to host a weekly Shabbat Gathering and we will help place people in your area.
For those of you who may be on Instagram, check out our Instagram page where we mix great pics of Israel and nature with Scripture!

Check out our YouTube Channel where we have the full year of Torah Teachings in a playlist for you to study anytime... as well as playlists on:
As we are solely supported by your love offerings, please consider supporting this ministry for the continued spread of Truth by donating here...