Empowering Healthy Perspectives
One Gut at a Time
New Year Mindset
Also Takes Guts
New Year’s Goals Takes Guts – Science Can Help!

So how are you doing? It's mid-way through the first month of 2022...already.

January is usually a tough month -- we are still detoxfying from the stress, food and travel of the holidays.

We all do it. The New Year rolls around and, with one swift click of the second-hand, we have expectations about making the next year better than the last.

However, the making of resolutions or setting goals is the easy part, keeping them is what has been proven to be difficult. Would it surprise you to know that science has perhaps given us a better understanding of what it might take to crack the code on keeping resolutions?

The secret has perhaps been inside you the whole time,
in your gut to be specific.

A study titled “Brain Structure and Response to Emotional Stimuli as Related to Gut Microbial Profiles in Healthy Women” published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine concluded that your brain is more attentive, focused, and happy if the microbiota in your gut are happy as well.

How does this help you make and keep your goals? Simple.

When you want your brain to function better,
pay attention to your gut.

Start by making a resolution that will really matter. If happiness is something you feel in your gut– literally– then make the resolution to make 2022 the best year ever by feeding your gut what it needs to create a joyful life for yourself.
Choose whatever word you need to that would make you feel good.
Gut your way to a successful 2022 by:
  • choosing to eat more fruits and vegetables,
  • drink more water,
  • be mindful, meditate
  • move your body, and
  • start your day with a big self-love hug!

Step 1: Our NEW YEAR Mindset
What are you grateful for right now? What have you learned about your self in relationship to:
·        Your family and friends
·        Your own personal health and well being
·        How and where work fits into your life
·        Priorities and how to re-organize yourself around change
·        What do you actually have control over in any moment of time. 

Infusing every thought with gratitude and expanded perspectives can actually change the chemistry in our own bodies to stimulate opportunity for a new and healthier lifestyle.
Step 2: Define Your Health
Health is a lifestyle -- look at where you are right now and begin to take small steps (actions) that will head you in the direction of where or what you want.

Can we be more flexible and resilient with just a few deliberate and more conscious actions that truly make a difference in how we feel over time?

Being healthy – on all levels, body, mind and soul is a commitment and, we can choose to weave positive change into our future with gratitude, humor, joy and happiness in every day right now…. 
What Does Healthy Change Look Like?
So what small change can you make TODAY that will make a difference in the rest of your healthy Lifestyle?

Is it in your Diet?
  • Less fake food, more whole real food
  • Less alcohol, more water
  • Less carbs, more clean protein
  • Less commercial, more organic
  • Less sugar more whole nutrients

Is it in your Exercise:
  • More consistency – 30 minutes each day
  • More stretching, strength training as well as aerobic
  • More diversity between walking, running, playing, outdoor-indoor group versus individual activity

Is it in your Mindset:
  • Creating a gratitude list morning and night
  • Turning off the TV or news and listening to music or dancing
  • Meditating or using guided meditations daily for at least 5-20 minutes
  • Focusing on the positive, the silver lining, the humor or joy
  • Being creative with how to figure it out. Be open.

Is it in your Social Contributions:
  • Volunteering and helping those in need
  • Being creative in reaching out to others – phone, zoom, texting or letter writing
  • Giving more virtual hugs and kisses
  • Taking care of an animal in need
  •  Attending virtual services – praying together

Is it in how you structure your Work:
  • Home-based versus commute
  • Defining more balance and productive hours
  • Collaboration versus competition
  • Abundance, thriving versus surviving

For 2022
What can YOU do to start and then continue
a Lifestyle of Healthy Living

Make at least one significant choice:
  • Make 1 change in your diet, nutrition and supplement regime 
  • Make 1 change in Exercise to create consistency in endurance 
  • Make 1 change in your Mindset to create a positive perspective
  • Make 1 change to give back to your family and community

Be the change you wish to see in your world...because it starts with YOU

Sinus, Allergy Relief
FREE Gut ReBoot Guide
Easy Steps to Restore Gut

Whole Food Nutrition
Energy, Mental Clarity