The Presbytery of New York City
the Session and the Congregation of
The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York
invite you to join them in a service of the worship of God and celebration of the installation of
Greg Stovell
as pastor and head of staff of
The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York
Sunday, the twenty-fourth of January
Two thousand and twenty-one
Four o’clock in the afternoon
Held virtually by The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York
via YouTube, Facebook or BoxCast
A reception to follow the service via Zoom webinar.
All are invited to wear red - the liturgical color for installations.
Rev. Dr. Stovell has been called to serve as Pastor and Head of Staff of
The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York
For more information about the service and reception please visit this link.
For the reception join via this Zoom Webinar link.
Webinar ID: 880 1244 3308 Passcode: 390035