Vol.24-04 | 1.23.24

New York State Executive Budget Update

Early last week, Governor Hochul released her Executive Budget, this is a proposal for the legislature's consideration. Support for library aid, construction aid, and NOVELny are all going in the right direction thanks to some new advocacy tactics deployed by the New York Library Association and library community:

“Support for Libraries. The Executive Budget supports public libraries by providing $102.1 million of Library Aid, a $2.5 million increase over FY 2024 Enacted Budget levels, and $34 million for Library Construction to fund various capital projects. In addition, the Executive Budget appropriates $3 million to ensure continued access to the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library (NOVELny), a free online library of magazines, newspapers, maps, charts, research, and reference books available to all New Yorkers.”

This is good, but not good enough.


  • A 2.4% increase after years of flat funding and cuts in the face of record-setting inflation has set system finances on a dangerous path. This needs to be course-corrected now before real damage is done to system services. 
  • What you can do: We need you, your trustees, and other stakeholders to speak up and tell your legislators that the System matters - stories about how system services impact your institution, save you local tax dollars, and enhance real outcomes for your patrons is what is called for in this moment. 
  • Construction needs throughout the state top out at $1.75 BILLION. Need in our system alone is more than $34 million. The state can do better, and needs to, before library infrastructure in the state gets worse. 
  • What you can do: We need libraries with stark needs to speak up. Building not fully accessible? Tell that story. Meetings spaces inadequate to meet community needs? Tell that story. The stories are what sticks. Visuals make a difference. 

Get Ready Now for Advocacy Day on February 7th:

MHLS Announcements

REMINDER: Please clear your hold shelf every day the library is open. Clearing the hold shelf purges the holds table of more than the items on your physical hold shelf, it also removes cancelled and expired holds. Please do your part in keeping this very critical process running smoothly by making this a priority task every morning. 


You can find instructions and a video tutorial under holds at

MHLS Libraries

The Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library (Milton) has announced a grant award of $25,000 from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA). The grant was awarded as part of NYSCA’s Support for Organizations program, which provides flexible general operating and programming funding for nonprofit organizations.

“We are proud to receive funding again this year that will allow us to continue to nurture performing and visual arts in our rural area,” stated Rosemary Wein, President of the Library’s Board of Trustees. “Community conversations conducted by the library found that area residents value artistic expression, and the grant funds will underwrite a rich schedule of multicultural special events and teaching-artist workshops.”

Sustainable Libraries

The planning committee for the Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day event is seeking nominations to honor individuals, communities, schools, and organizations across New York State that are making a difference in the field of children and youth mental health. Selected honorees will be recognized at the New York State What's Great in Our State (WGiOS) celebration during Children's Mental Health Awareness Week (May 6th- May 10th, date TBD).  

Here’s your opportunity to recognize those who are doing outstanding work! The nomination form includes details about each eligible category. The deadline for nominations is February 9, 2024. Please contact Jessica Stanis at the New York State Office of Mental Health with any questions.


Library systems around the state are joining together to host an epic 2024 summer programming workshop -- Adventure Begins at Your Library: Collaborative Teen SRP Workshop! The online workshop for teen library staff members will be taking place on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. 

Volunteers are sought to present on a teen program they’ve done or are planning to do for Summer 2024. Anything that you think encompasses the theme is welcome. If chosen, a presentation would be anywhere from 5-8 minutes long. To apply, please fill out the submission form no later than January 31st. 

Trustee Resources

Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MHLS Executive Director & Co-Author of the Handbook for Library Trustees of New York State is a monthly installment where Rebekkah will answer your questions! Feel free to submit your question here or contact Rebekkah at with the subject line: AMA Trustee Question.

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