When we created the Zentangle Method, we came up with a phrase that has become a favorite over the years, the "elegance of limits." It was inspired by the lovely book,
The Power of Limits, Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture
by Gyorgy Doczi.
We have come to respect and appreciate the way limitations can inspire the imagination to create beautiful and elegant outcomes.
Rick writes:
"One of my favorite examples is how the limited space on a sunflower head inspires the beautiful (and elegant) counter-rotating spiral Fibonacci patterns which are the most efficient method for packing the most seeds in a given space."
Maria adds:
"Yes, and at this moment, Rick is tearing up the front and side lawns to plant over a hundred giant sunflowers!"
When a limiting situation appears challenging, you always have an individual option to seek the gift of elegance and inspiration which that limitation offers. Often you will discover insights and ideas that transcend and transform the apparent limitation into a support or springboard to create or understand something in a new way. You learn to appreciate the limitation because, without it, you never would have discovered your own abilities the limitation inspired. You might even discover that the apparent limitation turns into a supportive scaffolding that enables you to climb to places no one thought possible.
In the Zentangle Method, the size of the tile, the border, and the string all serve that concept of the "elegance of limits." Drawing the border and string in pencil conveys the idea that you can use them as guidelines and, at your discretion, ignore them when so inspired.
Along these lines, below you will find some delightful letters that you might enjoy.
We also are pleased to publicly announce the release of the eBook version of
Zentangle Primer Vol 1
in Japanese and German languages.
That, and more, continues below.
Dear Rick and Maria,
I hope you and your family are well.
I know you get lots of feedback about the wonderful impact Zentangle® has had on people’s lives, I hope you won’t mind one more!
Like so many long-distance grandparents during this time, I don’t know when I’ll see my grandchildren again. It’s been tough for all of us. Keeping the special bond we’ve created, has been my priority. I’ve tried a variety of activities to keep our connection strong. Although my grandkids are both under 6, Zentangle has come to the rescue!
Both grandkids are familiar with Zentangle because I’ve brought supplies on earlier visits. Now, each week I mail them tangled tiles that I’m using with my adult Zoom classes. They’re just in ink, with no shading or color. On the back I’ve written the tangle names and drawn a little sample. On their end, they’ve been having a blast filling them in with strokes and colors. I've also sent each of them a binder with plastic sleeves to hold their tiles when they’re finished. It seems to be a hit!
After all we’ve done with Zentangle, though, last night was the best. My granddaughter began by telling me that she was going to teach me Zentangle! During our video chat she would draw a few lines and then show me so I could draw them for myself. I followed her directions, and that’s how it went. After each “tile,” she told me the title to write down. I was amazed! You can see the results below!
Although I’m not surprised when I see how much Zentangle means to the adult groups I’ve volunteered with during COVID-19, I must admit I was a little shocked how much my granddaughter had internalized. And I was just tickled at how proud she was of herself!
I wanted to share this with you both, not only in gratitude, but with the hope we can spread the word about Zentangle’s potential to help long-distance grandparents connect with their far flung grandkids during such a difficult time. It’s possible! Even if their grandkids are younger than 6.
Thank you so very much for this gift.
Best wishes,
Dear Rick and Maria,
I have just completed Project Pack 9 through the accessible videos. Delightful!!!
This "play" has kept me grounded during this unusual time. But, really, I just want to say "Thank You" so much for the gift of Zentangle and putting so much out there for free. I hope that you have an idea of just how much brightness this brings to our world. And, listening to Rick and Maria in videos 7a and 7b has put the biggest smile on my face!!!
I just had to say! Thank you!!!
[Zentangle Note: All videos in our Project Pack series are available for free on the
Project Pack Playlist
at our YouTube channel.]
Zentangle Primer Vol 1
Now in Japanese and German
We are thrilled to announce that our Zentangle Primer Vol 1 is now available in the Japanese and German languages in eBook format.
We are grateful
Tomomi Galeano
, CZT, for
translating and Izumi Sato, CZT, for
editing the
version which you can access
are grateful to
Jennifer Hohensteiner, CZT, Katharina Königsbauer-Kolb, CZT, and Ela Rieger, CZT, for
slating the
version which you can access
And of course, you can download the
Thank you for all the reviews!
Project Pack No. 10 Reminder
Videos for Zentangle Project Pack No. 10 will be released beginning July 18th via our newsletter and website.
As we celebrate No.10 in our Zentangle Project Pack series, we bring to you a collection of tutorials that highlight some of the people, the stories, the tangles, the techniques and of course, the magic that make up the "legend" of Zentangle. Join us as we take you on an imaginative ride, guiding you through creating your own personal legend one tangle at a time. This Project Pack features a
very special
item custom designed by the team at Zentangle HQ especially for this purpose.
Part of the fun of the Zentangle Project Pack Series is the element of surprise. Out of respect for others wanting to keep the fun of not knowing what is inside, we ask that you please refrain from sharing or posting photos of the contents prior to the release of the videos.
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We are overjoyed to share with our Zentangle family that our very own Julie from Zentangle HQ has welcomed a beautiful baby boy into this world
With so much gratitude,
Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha and everyone at Zentangle HQ