2 Public Meetings This Week!

Your Participation is Crucial! 

Re: New Calvert County Zoning Ordinance & Map

The County is doing it again - they have begun a major rewriting of the Calvert County Zoning Ordinance (including a new zoning map) without any plan for real citizen participation.


The Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map are extremely important documents - they dictate what property owners (and their neighbors) can and cannot do on their property. You would expect the County to use every method available to notify citizens about the effect the new Zoning Ordinance & Map will have on their property. They have not.


Click here to check the zoning of your property.

As just one example, the County has created a brand new Zoning District called the Waterfront Community District (WCD) and has rezoned all properties that are located in existing waterfront communities (e.g., Breezy Point, Dares Beach, White Sands, Scientists Cliffs, Long Beach, Chesapeake Ranch Estates/Drum Point). What does that mean to individual property owners? No information has been forthcoming from the County.


The Department of Planning & Zoning has released the new Zoning Ordinance and developed a schedule for the public to submit comments; however, after receiving complaints from several citizens, the Commissioners have directed staff to revise the schedule to allow more time for public review.


In the meantime, Planning & Zoning is proceeding with the first two meetings this week:

  • Planning Commission and County Commissioners Joint Worksession: Wednesday (tomorrow!) June 21st at 7 pm at the Harriet E. Brown Community Center, 901 Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick. See details here.
  • *Public Forum: Thursday, June 22nd at 7 p.m. at the same location. View more details (including a zoom link if you can't attend in person) here.


*We are encouraging all citizens to attend the Public Forum on Thursday (they will most likely not allow public comment at the Wednesday meeting but you're welcome to observe in person or online).


If you cannot participate in the Public Forum, please send your questions and concerns to: ZOupdate@calvertcountymd.gov

Thanks in advance for your support.