For Immediate Release
January 27, 2022
Solid Waste to provide drop-off location
for old trash, recycling carts
The Solid Waste Department and Waste Management are providing residents an extra way to return their old trash and recycling carts. Beginning Saturday, January 29, you can bring your old carts to the Convenience Center (920 11th Street). The Center is open seven days a week, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and you can bring your cart any time during those hours. 
This is for any cart which is not a new Ryland cart, so check the logo before you bring it. The carts must be empty of any trash and recycling material. The cart drop-off point will remain active as long as people need it. Waste Management will still collect old carts houses, and they should be placed empty on the curb on a person’s normal collection day.
“We’re working hard to make this transition as smooth as we can,” says Solid Waste Manager Maurice Jackson. “This is a lengthy process, so we wanted to provide people this other option to make it go quicker.”
At the beginning of this year, Macon-Bibb County began using Ryland Environmental for all solid waste services in Macon-Bibb County. We’ve published a series of videos, announcements, and graphics to help everyone through the transition.
Media Contact:
Chris Floore
Chief Communications Officer
(478) 335-3722
About the Hub

The Hub is Macon-Bibb County's source of information for employees, residents, businesses, and partners. With this regular e-blast, the Office of Public Affairs provides a consistent flow of information about the efforts and successes of the consolidated government and partners to strengthen Macon-Bibb as the Hub City of Middle Georgia.
Office of Communications

The Office of Communications include Media RelationsMaconBibbTV, and Customer Service. Its goal is to provide people information about the consolidated government and partner organizations,
and to give them the chance to provide feedback, ask questions,
and request services. 

The Office has earned multiple
recognitions for its efforts.

Macon-Bibb County is the fourth largest city in Georgia. Created on January 1, 2014 after being approved by the voters, it is Georgia's newest consolidated government and serves about 155,000 residents and thousands more visitors.

Its governing body consists of 10 Commissioners, with the Mayor serving as its Chair and the Chief Executive Office of the administration.