A few pictures of dogs working on our equipment from last year's Cary Dog Daze!

Calling for volunteers

We need your help! We need help loading equipment from the Center to the field, set-up the equipment, and then tear down. It is a short 5 minute drive!

Text or call Jackie at 919-448-1446,

Board And Train Highlights!

Goldendoodle Lucy

Pictured above is Lucy with her new family.

Some of you know that Lucy came to me through our customer Dana (Remy's mom) who saved Lucy from an abusive home. She was 12 weeks old, emaciated, horrified to make a sound in the crate, not potty or obedience trained, in other words she knew nothing. Dana had a friend that wanted her and decided to do a Board And Train so we could build her confidence, gain weight, and get some potty and obedience training done. Once the weight came on and she became more confident she was a dream to be around. We are so happy to see pictures of Lucy with her new family and doggy brother enjoying life.

Sometimes life can take a turn for the better.

St. Bernard Margot

Video above is Margot (St. Bernard) teaching Banks (Goldendoodle) how to get into tub. And NO I didn't expect this, I just left for a second to get the towels.

Margot teaching Banks how to share a bone.

Picture of Margot comforting Lucy when she first came for training.

Margot was found by a friend of Rebeccas (Head Trainer). Margot had a rough start, by the time Rebecca got her she was severely underweight, and a lot of her hair had fallen out. Rebecca got her healthy then gave her to me (Jackie) for some Service Dog training. I have been using Margot to help train puppies that come for our Board And Training. Margot is now 90 lbs at 9 months and is so quiet and gentle she doesn't scare the puppies. Margot is easy to love.

Puppy Basics & Beyond

At advanced puppy class, obedience is taught with distractions, distance and duration. This class is a foundation for Therapy, Service, Competition Obedience or a well trained dog. This class lays the foundation for Therapy, Service, Competition Obedience, or an overall well-trained dog. Included in theisclass are obstacles and equipment to build confidence, focus and body awareness. This class includes obstacles and equipment to build confidence, focus and body awareness. Your puppy will learn to work off leash and follow you through a course full of obstacles and equipment. The goal of this class is to build confidence, body awareness, focus and trust, all while still having fun! This is great for puppies 6 months old and younger.

Video above of Zoe teaching Lucy (Goldendoodle) to walk on a loose leash and the "Stop", "Sit By Me"

Video above Lucy (Goldendoodle) performing the recall past "Leave It", toys and treats.

Intermediate And Advanced Classes

This is a set of classes that takes the commands your dog learned in “Puppy Basics & Beyond” or “Beginner Life Skills,” and challenges your dog more by increasing distance and including tougher distractions with added commands. They will also learn to perfect loose leash walking.

Video of Rocco (Aussiedoodle) learning distance work.

Video left to right; Sophie (Golden), Jack (Shepherd/Lab). Cooper (Golden), Kona (Aussie), Banks (Goldendoodle) "Wait" recall from a distance one at a time.

Agility 101/Obedience Classes

The class was developed for dogs with high energy, dogs that have a hard time focusing, dogs with anxiety, dogs that are fearful and for people that are looking to have fun with their dogs. The goal of the class is to develop as a team, to work off leash at a distance with distractions.

Video of Tago (Aussie/BC) walking and pushing spool. Builds the dogs core and coronations.

Video of Oakley and Ozzie (Aussies) timed jumping together. Dog learn to time themselves.

Video of Pierce (Mini Aussie) walking across ladder rungs. Dogs learn how to use their back feet and balance.

Dog With A Purpose Website
Jackie's Basics And Beyond Website

Congratulations to our newest Therapy Dogs,

I am sure they are going to help a lot of people have a better day.

Pictured above is Charlie Brown, his handler is JoAnn Miller

Pictured above is Hank, his handler is Alisa Dahlhoff

Pictured above is Zoe, her handler is Steve Hickey

Pictured above is Sadie and Skylar (Goldendoodle), owner Katie made sure the girls had on the special glasses for the eclipse. What a good doggy mom taking care of her girls.

Scottish Collie

Scottish Collie Bonnie is owned by my good friend Sue who came for a visit from St. Louis. Always enjoy when Sue takes the time to come to NC. It gives me a chance not only to visit with her but to see how Bonnie is growing into a beautiful talented dog.

Pictures and video of Bonnie a Scottish Collie

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