Check out all the news on the Brotherhood website at
Let Your Andrew Out!
Welcome back to our second edition (Volume 2) of our new bi-weekly newsletter, "Let Your Andrew Out"! It's a quick read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned and successes from the previous weeks. Feel free to email us news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so we can include them! We hope you enjoy and share this format.
Did you miss it???
Want to see what happened at our Triennial in June? We have the videos now on the website as well as the workshops under the ministry tabs. Check it out and share at your next chapter meeting!
Great August Webinar!
We had a wonderful national webinar last week when your 6 newly elected Chapter Representatives to the Executive Board gave overviews of their own chapters. A follow-up email from Br. Robert Knight at St. Thomas in Palm Coast Fl. said, "Last night's storytelling time was a fantastic orientation for me. I learned so much from the presenters including the different sizes, operations, parish & community services, clergy participation, racial diversity, etc. I am 88, my background includes Air Force membership, county social service employment & social work (MSW) education.  I am looking forward to future Zoom meetings!"
Our next webinar is scheduled for Sept 1 (always the 1st Wednesday) at 8pm EDT. Check your email for the Zoom invite
Have you remembered to make your $40 2021 pledge fulfillment? Sometimes things slip our minds. Please help us meet our 2021 budget by sending in your payment today!
In his acceptance speech at the Triennial, our National President Conrad Jones challenged us to write to him and tell him WHY we are a member of our Brotherhood. Here's a couple of responses:

"We must teach our members that a personal relationship with Our God is available to them, and that God seeks this relationship through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. Evangelism must be front and center for the BStA" .
"My years in the Brotherhood here at St Paul’s by the Sea continues 
to highlight my ministry; so very thankful for Brother Mike Borno’s suggestion I become a member in 2002, God bless "
WHY are you a Brotherhood member? Write to Br. Conrad Jones and tell him your WHY.
Reach out and give one of your Brothers a call today! You never know what it will mean to them to hear your voice!
Ministry News
Are you a good organizer? Can you or have you had experience organizing teams?
No, this isn't a Fantasy Football invite LOL!
Drop a line to Br. Roy Benavides at
and he will explain!
Upcoming events to pencil in on your Calendar
> September 1, 8-9pm EDT
National Webinar series
Tour of the Brotherhood website

>August 25, 8-9pm EDT
Member At Large (MAL) Zoom
"What can we do to promote Brotherhood Disciplines and how can we support each other?"

>September 24 and 25 1-4pm EDT
Save The Date: New Executive Board member Orientation (ZOOM)
The Brotherhood needs volunteers for positions on the Communications Committee. We're inviting folks with communication experience to lend a hand in guiding our communication/ media/information efforts.
Let us know what you or your chapter are doing! Pictures of events, upcoming retreats, fundraisers, service projects......anything you'd like to share with your Brothers! Send it by email to: