January 2023 Edition

A Message from the Mayor

Welcome to 2023!

As we begin the new year, I want to wish you and your family all the very best this year.


With your help and support, I was recently elected as your Mayor in October 2022. 


This newsletter will provide updates about what's happening in the City, including details of events and meetings taking place at the City of Vaughan.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We are here to support you as we continue building the best city for our community.

Looking forward to serving you this term.


Steven Del Duca


You're invited to join the inaugural Mayor and Council New Year's Levee on January 22nd! It will feature free family-friendly entertainment, activities and a FREE buffet breakfast. This is an event that you won't want to miss.


Come celebrate Lunar New Year at the City of Vaughan in person this year on January 14th at 12PM! There will be live performances, treats for kids and refreshments for all. This event is open to everyone.

The City of Vaughan is hosting its first ever Tamil Heritage Month and Thai Pongal Celebration! Join us on January 16th at 6PM at City Hall. There will be live cultural performances and refreshments for guests.

City of Vaughan

2141 Major Mackenzie Dr. Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1

 Main Office Contact

905-832-2281, ext. 8888

[email protected]

Assistant to the Mayor

Anna Venturo

905-832-2281, ext. 8834

[email protected]

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