From the Director
The pandemic has disrupted nearly every aspect of Jewish life, leaving its mark on everything from how we celebrate to the way we mourn. Our synagogues, schools, camps, and youth programs continue to grapple with how to deliver programs and services in this unprecedented environment. 
Jewish Futures Project. Birthright Israel's First Decade of Applicants: A Look at the
Long-term Program Impact
The Jewish Futures Project has been following multiple cohorts of Birthright participants, and others who applied to the program but did not go, for over a decade. In the sixth wave of the study, we explore whether Birthright’s impact on connection to Israel and engagement in Jewish life persists, as participants grow older, and the trip recedes further in their memory.
The Jewish Electorate 2020
Did you know that in some congressional districts Jewish adults represent nearly one quarter of the total electorate? New research from the American Jewish Population Project provides portraits of the Jewish electorate by state and congressional district and highlights key constituencies, including independent voters and Jewish young adults.
COVID-19 and Jewish Communities Study
How have members of the Jewish community been affected by the pandemic and how have Jewish organizations responded to the crisis? Our Building Resilient Jewish Communities study aims to provide vital information about community members' social and emotional health, economic well-being, job stress, and relationship with Jewish institutions.
In Case You Missed It

Why a post-pandemic world needs Birthright more than ever, Leonard Saxe, The Forward, November 12, 2020

Could the Jewish vote decide the election?, Leonard Saxe, Daniel Parmer, and Elizabeth Tighe, BrandeisNow, October 8, 2020

Among Jews, the Young and Highly Educated Bear COVID’s Emotional and Economic Toll, Janet Krasner Aronson and Leonard Saxe, The Forward, September 24, 2020

Online Services Serve the Already Committed, Our Research Shows, Janet Krasner Aronson and Leonard Saxe, The Forward, September 24, 2020