Questions? Call Us:

(954) 748-7698

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Online Course Protects Your Public Image

How To Eliminate

Off-Duty Firefighter

Social Media Mistakes

That Destroy Public Trust


New "Red Flag System" Developed By Nationally

Recognized Social Media Attorney Mark Fiedelholtz


New Federal Rulings classify social media as "high liability" employee activity, NOT a PIO or marketing issue. One off-duty post or tweet can permanently destroy a person's reputation worldwide. Verbal warnings and model policies are not enough. Courts hold decision-makers personally liable for failing to enforce their social media policies with outside expert employee social media liability training.

Need Proof?

All these fire departments had policies and verbal warnings. But, they didn't have an outside social media attorney expert like me train their firefighters on hidden liabilities in the new off-duty "Free Speech' laws.

Firefighter Stories

That Destroy The

Public Trust

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How You Are Held Personally Liable

Evidence Of "Deliberate Indifference"

  • You have a social media policy, you knew the risks of inadequate training.

  • You knew your employees could be sued individually and pay out of pocket.

  • You knew this type of specialized training couldn't be done in-house.

  • You had prior incidents of employees violating your social media policy.

  • You claimed that you couldn't afford $9 per person for my expert training.

*Legal Authority: See the cautionary tales of Liverman v. City of Petersburg 844 F3d. 400 (2016)

and  O'Laughlin v. Palm Beach County 20-14676 (11th Cir. April 1, 2022). See "deliberate indifference"

towards training on "high liability" issues City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris, 489 U.S. 378 (1989).

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Revealing Statistics

Firefighters Are Being Warned, Not Trained

Out of 3,436 public employees and elected officials who claimed their previous social media law training was adequate, the average score on my basic 6 question social media law pre-test was 13%.

Is Your Present Training Is Adequate? Take The Test

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3 Steps To Wiping Out A Firefighter's Life Savings

Step I: Untrained firefighter wrongly thinks an off-duty post is "Free Speech".

Step II: Decision-makers and firefighter held personally liable for damages.

Step III: Decision-makers and firefighter pay out of pocket for legal fees.

If You Care About Protecting Your Public Image And Firefighters From Financial Ruin, You Need To Make My Online Course Mandatory Training For All Personnel.

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"Too many public employees have paid the price for not receiving the tools to navigate social media safely. After auditing Mark Fiedelholtz’ s Social Media Liability Course with our fire chief, we decided to mandate this training to every member of our teams. If you want to protect your people and your department, I strongly recommend this course."

 Chief Tim Barfield, Wellington, OH (2021) 

Compare The Costs

Don't Be Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

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Register Now! 

$9 Per Person Group Rate Ends In 30 Days

* There is a one-time portal set-up charge of $297

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

Meet Your Expert Instructor

Social Media Attorney Mark Fiedelholtz

I grew up in a home where my parents were both public employees and elected officials. This background fuels my passion to protect public sector professionals from costly social media liability. Over the past 33 years, more than 100,000 public sector employees have attended my specialized digital media law courses. Also, I have customized over 150 social media policies. In-house attorneys and human resource professionals nationwide agree, to properly comply with the new federal social media training and policy standards, you must seek help from a social media attorney specialist like me.

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Full Bio

National Testimonials

Recent Attendees

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“I wanted to commend you on your Social Media Liability Course; members of my department, myself included, recently completed the course and we found it to be time well spent. Instruction was straight forward, to the point, easy to follow and appropriately detailed, in short, the course was well worth the time and money spent. In addition, your customer service was beyond reproach,

I emailed you several times and you responded immediately."

Commander Ron Curtis , City Of Groveland, FL (2022)

My Online Program Gives You Compliance Documentation


In-house attorneys and human resource professionals agree, my expert program gives you proof of compliance with the new federal social media training and policy standards.

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Call 954-748-7698

To Build Trust We Have A Full Course Review Program For

$79 Per Person

Register Now 

*if you decide to register a larger group after reviewing the course, you receive a $79 credit.

Policies Are Not Enough. All Employees MUST Receive Outside Expert

Social Media

Liability Training.

Decision-Makers Are PERSONALLY LIABLE  For Inadequate Social Media Liability Training And Vague Policies.

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

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Online Course

My new $9 per person online course introduces a powerful

"Red Flag" System that eliminates costly employee social media speech mistakes.

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Social Media Policy

Based on 33 years of digital media law expertise, I use precise policy language and issue identification to create an airtight social media policy.

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Policy Shields

In addition to your primary social media policy, i add a citizens policy and a separate personal use policy that gives you extra layers of protection.

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

Learn More


Address: 13506 Summerport Village Pkwy

Windermere, FL 34786

Phone: (954) 748-7698

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