October 29, 2024

Dear Belin Memorial UMC,

Today we learned that the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church ruled that Paragraph 2549 of the 2016 Book of Discipline cannot be used by congregations to separate from the denomination. This is the paragraph that the South Carolina Annual Conference has used since December of 2022 for churches wishing to separate. 

The Judicial Council is the denomination’s highest court, similar to the Supreme Court in the United States’ judicial system. It is made up of five clergy members and four laity members who serve voluntarily. It determines the constitutionality and legality of acts or proposed acts of the General, jurisdictional, central and annual conferences based on the church’s constitution and other parts of The Book of Discipline. Judicial Council members are nominated by the Council of Bishops and General Conference delegates and are elected by the General Conference. Members sometimes have a legal background; several active and retired judges have served.

You may find this statement from Bishop Fairley and the South Carolina Annual Conference trustees helpful. This article from UMNews gives more details about the decision. What you will read is that this decision means the process our annual conference has been using to allow churches to separate from the denomination is no longer available, the Discernment Process Belin Memorial has been in since August is concluded, and there will be no congregational vote regarding separating from the United Methodist Church. Belin Memorial will remain a United Methodist Church.

I know that this news will be very welcomed by some and very disappointing to others. This has been a long, difficult process for everyone involved. There have been many prayers, lots of discussion, and countless hours invested by the congregation. The church council, trustees, and staff have given much time and effort throughout. 

As we begin to process this news, I trust that God will continue to use Belin Memorial UMC to make disciples of Jesus Christ and that this congregation will continue to honor God with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. I trust that the Holy Spirit will also be at work to bring healing and peace to all of us.

The Grace and Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you,

Will Malambri 

Senior Pastor

YouTube channel links below.)
