Success! The big Maximo-GIS (MAGI) data sync is complete and that means you’ll see some new and different things in NetWorks, Maximo, and For Site. 

Here’s a quick rundown of the key changes. If you have any questions, please drop in to WAM-E Chat Support

Note: For Site is expected to be back online Wednesday. Watch for the email notice as there are a couple of things you’ll need to do. 


More info in NetWorks for structures + a direct link to the asset record in Maximo 

You can now find all the most popular asset info for poles and other structures right in NetWorks, via the Feature Explorer panel.

If the asset data you’re looking for didn’t make the most popular cut, simply click the Maximo Launch Key to go to the full asset record in Maximo, or run an Asset Report in NetWorks.

For a refresher on how to find asset info in NetWorks, check out this quick reference guide: Finding Feature Information in NetWorks


Multi-pole structures: every pole now appears in NetWorks, Maximo and For Site

It’s important for our systems to accurately reflect what exists in the real world for a bunch of reasons. Previously, multi-pole structures were one asset in our systems. Now, each pole is a separate asset. 

If you see three poles connected by a platform in the field, you’ll see three poles on the map in NetWorks. And when you look up the Location Tag in For Site or Maximo, you’ll see three asset records. 

Logging Deficiencies on Multi-Pole Structures

It might be hard to tell which pole is which when you’re logging a deficiency on a multi-pole structure. For now, go ahead and pick any of the poles at the location.

We’re looking at a future enhancement to make picking the right pole easier. Stay tuned for more on that and other For Site enhancements.


Some specs have moved in Maximo

To split multi-pole structures into separate individual assets we needed to change where we store some data.

You’ll still find info specific to the pole (class, height, species, etc.) in Asset Specifications ... but info that’s generic or common to the whole structure (DCSM prints, conductor type, telecom attributes, etc.) is now in Location Specifications.


Substations: Location Tags and poles

All substation structures now have a Location Tag. You can use the Location Tag to search for substations in Maximo or NetWorks.

You can also use NetWorks to see where poles are located within a substation. Every pole appears on the map, instead of one 'pole pool' for the substation.

Note: Some substation poles will appear in lakes because we don't have exact locations for them yet. They'll be moved to the correct locations over time.

Learn or Level Up

Need a refresher or want to level up your skills? You can find training, user guides, how-to videos, and more on the NetWorks and Maximo Support pages:



About MAGI

We're improving data quality, timeliness, and access by integrating our technology and data. Watch this quick video (2 min; 56 sec) to learn more: