"Are we going to let people pick and choose which public health rules they are going to follow?"
As long as the "rules" are imposed by unelected bureaucrats, yes. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D), confused as always about the nature of our free society, lamented about and later vetoed bipartisan legislation that passed in February (SB 173), the Free the Smiles Act, which puts decisions about masking children in schools in the hands of their parents. Meanwhile, Cooper refuses to lift a "state of emergency" imposed on citizens for more than 700 days. NC House Speaker Tim Moore believes this is one Cooper veto that will be overridden. Read more.


Mask mandates vanish ahead of
'victory over virus' State of Union

Ted Budd filed February 28 for U.S. Senate race
Hello, Hudson.
Goodbye, Bishop.

Districts 8 and 9 will vote for new
representatives in November '22
If Republicans win North Carolina's U.S. congressional seats in the eighth and ninth districts this November, Moore County citizens will be represented by a different but very familiar face.

Richard Hudson (photo nearby) will represent the ninth in Washington after having represented NC-8 since re-election in 2020. What changed? Maps were drawn, re-drawn, and re-drawn again.

Moore's current congressional NC-9 representative in DC, Dan Bishop, will be running this fall in a newly configured NC-8. The map drawing is somewhat detrimental to Bishop's bid for another two years because he will be without the reliable support of Moore voters.

Yet the eighth district encompasses many of Bishop's current constituents and includes Anson, Davidson, Montgomery, Rowan, Stanly, Union and parts of Cabarrus and Richmond counties. The ninth district includes Chatham, Hoke, Lee, Moore, Scotland, Randolph and parts of Cumberland, Harnett and Richmond counties.

When last we saw Hudson, he remained a more slender version of the Hudson who represented Moore County previously. We assume Hudson lost weight but has not lost his edge as a Republican stalwart.

It is noteworthy, for those keeping score, that there is marked difference between Bishop and Hudson on conservative voting in Congress. According to LibertyScore, Bishop maintains a 100% conservative voting record, contrasted by Hudson's 76%.

The map upheaval does not impact the immediate future. Bishop represents Moore County until the end of 2022, thus his office remains as a resource for citizens' questions and comments.
Don't die in nuclear bunker
because you failed to mask

Remember to flatten the curve as you’re being flattened by a nuclear bomb.

That’s the message from FEMA and the U.S. government via the ‘Nuclear Explosion’ section on Ready.gov where citizens are reminded to “Get inside the nearest building to avoid radiation,” but to also remember to “try to maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household” as this nuclear blast is going off.

That’s right, you need to be thinking about COVID as the world is ending via nuclear war with Putin, China, the North Korean fat boy and any other maniacs who want to join the party in ending it all. (Source: Outkick.com)

You can't make it up, folks. Read more.
'George' is for kids,
reports The Pilot
Our local "news"paper, The Pilot, on February 27 described the deviant library book George, as "a short novel written for children" and concludes it "has polarized opinions in much the same way as the existence of people like its transgender protagonist." A Moore County Schools media review committee voted 9-3 to allow the book describing the virtues of transgender fluidity to remain in McDeeds Creek Elementary School. A 17-member panel also was formed to review the book. We hardly can wait for its decree.

It is obvious that Moore County board chair Pam Thompson and vice-chair Libby Carter lack the courage to arrive at the obvious conclusion that "George" is not appropriate for elementary school students.

Members of the community continue to investigate curricula and books in the county. Their persistence will reveal more calls to action. "George" is not an isolated chapter in the Left's war on morality in public education.

How to stay involved: Subscribe to Parents Defending Education. Report an incident.
Speakers showed heart
at Valentine's Day meeting

In case you missed it, blowback against endless masking of students in Moore County dominated the February 14 Moore County Board of Education meeting, where board members Bob Levy and David Hensley destroyed the mask safety narrative. During public comments, citizens rejected the board's tone deafness. Said one speaker, "We love (our children) more than you do."
Moore GOP stays focused
on poll watcher training

Did you know you and your neighbors can help ensure voter integrity in the 2022 Elections and be paid to do it? Do you know what happens if Republicans do not maintain a significant presence at the polls? It's not a happy ending.
Thus, the Moore County GOP is actively recruiting at least 52 people to serve as poll observers in 2022.

The ideal number would be 104 poll observers. These positions play a key role in ensuring voting integrity. 

Click here to sign up today. Please contact Carol Wheeldon for details. 910-295.6628. Email: [email protected]
Civil rights hero plans
film project

NC native Clarence Henderson
raising funds for 'Forgotten Courage' to inspire generations

After a nearly two year delay owed to disruptions imposed by China's Wuhan virus, American patriot Clarence Henderson is moving forward with production of a film based on his childhood and emergence from segregation in the mid-20th century.

"Forgotten Courage" is targeting a release in early 2023. Henderson's goal is to awaken American youth to the perils of apathy and indifference toward the Left's soft tyranny imposed on minorities.

"We're in danger," said Henderson, who at 18 joined other Greensboro youths in 1960 by defying a white-only restriction at a Woolworth lunch counter. "We've become thin skinned. Our history has to be told."

Henderson later become a financial services executive and, today, at 80, is chair of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, and a widely sought after public speaker.

Phase one of the film project, fundraising, is under way. A screenplay by Michael Powell has been drafted. Actors are being recruited. The film's budget is $1.67 million. To learn more and become a donor, click here.
Cawthorn will run in NC-11
after final district re-draw

Rep. Madison Cawthorn is returning to his home district to run for reelection owed to a state Supreme Court-ordered redrawing of North Carolina’s congressional map.

The latest map makes the western 11th Congressional District a more promising area for the 26-year-old Republican to run in than a previously re-drawn version that had Cawthorn contemplating a run elsewhere in the state.

“I am excited to run for reelection in North Carolina’s newly solidified 11th congressional district and represent nearly all of my constituents in the 118th Congress,” he said. (Source: The Charlotte Observer)
By the numbers


The value of a Russian ruble in US dollars as of February 28, 2022, following a 30% decline after a movement arose to punish Russia by blocking its banks from the SWIFT payments global network.( Source: NewsMax Finance)

Media Research Center Free Speech America tallied a whopping 808 total cases of COVID-19 censorship across a litany of Big Tech platforms between March 17, 2020, and Feb. 3, 2022, in its unique CensorTrack database. Those included Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Ads, TikTok and YouTube.
Vaccine watch

New Berenson bombshell:
Vaxxed kids under 12 face greater risk from COVID

Six weeks after becoming “fully vaccinated,” kids under 12 are 40 percent MORE likely to be infected by Covid than those who never received mRNA shots, a huge New York state database shows.

The mRNA jabs provide some protection for the first two weeks of “full vaccination.” But it declines rapidly, turns negative by the fifth week, and more sharply negative in the sixth.

“Negative” vaccine efficacy means that vaccinated people are more likely to become infected. Read more.

(Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson departed the newspaper because he could no longer abide by its deteriorating standards. His independent reporting on vaccines and masks has confounded the media narrative for two years)
Moderna patented DNA sequence found in virus

A new report on a cancer research DNA strand discovered in the COVID virus prompted Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel to acknowledge what was once denounced as conspiracy. He said the finding could become evidence that a Wuhan lab leak was the source of the 2020 outbreak.

"Is it possible the Wuhan lab in China was working on viruses enhancement or gene modification and then there’s an accident where somebody was infected in the lab and infected families and friends?" Bancel said. "It is possible." Read more.

UK Daily Mail: DNA sequence was patented by Moderna three years before pandemic.

Truth Social is unveiled
as Trump's official app

Here it comes. Donald Trump's Truth Social social media app.
January 6 patriot
is dead by suicide

On January 6 2021, he walked into the Capitol and walked out a few minutes later. Matthew Perna committed suicide on February 25, 2022. The feds insisted he was an insurrectionist. Read more.
Ukraine invasion is a diversion
from China's Taiwan aggression

Western globalists, however, baselessly and recklessly encouraged Ukraine to think it could ultimately join the West and enter NATO.

Ukraine is neither an ally nor a strategic priority for the United States. We have no business in that neck of the woods, and we should have always sought to deescalate tensions between Ukraine and Russia, not stoke them as Biden did in the last several months.

Taiwan is our ally, and unlike Ukraine, we are dependent on Taiwan. Taiwan manufactures the chips that are used in everything from cars to computers to washing machines. Both Japan and Australia have recently pledged to defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion, so we are truly looking at a potential world war if Beijing moves on Taiwan. (Source: Molly McCann) Read more.
Above: Beth Tanner, candidate for District Court Judge in Hoke and Moore counties addresses supporters during a February 24 fundraiser in Pinehurst. Below: NC Senate President Phil Berger Sr. drew a crowd February 23 at Little River, site of a fundraiser for Moore County's NC Sen. Tom McInnis (back to camera in navy suit).
Dumbest Quote of the Month
February 2022

"We are explicit about teaching the history of race and racism in the U.S. and in our community, and how the vestiges of racism are interwoven in every aspect of our society. But that's not the same as Critical Race Theory (emphasis added)."
Andy Jenks, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools spokesman
Dr. Ben Carson's visit
likely to sell out Owens
Former Trump administration cabinet member and renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson will headline two days of activities in Pinehurst, March 18-19, 2022. More than half of 600 seats for sale in Owens Auditorium are sold.

Carson, a former presidential candidate (2016) and Donald Trump’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (2017-21), will speak and participate in a panel discussion on March 18 in conjunction with the James E. Holshouser Jr. Lectures, a series that made its debut in 2020. The panel will focus on the future of medicine, and will include Sandhills Community College President John Dempsey, and FirstHealth of the Carolinas chief executive Mickey Foster.

On Saturday, March 19, Carson, a 2008 recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, will attend a prayer breakfast and participate in an interactive discussion with sponsors of the Holshouser series.

Become a Donor Founder at $250 with a few key strokes online. DFs are eligible for two (2) tickets to a VIP reception and the Carson lecture. Individual ticket sales can be secured at $75.
Moore County Republican Convention
THIS Saturday
March 5, 2022

9:15 am
Pinehurst Village Hall

Convention Agenda

Featured speaker
Cleta Mitchell
Conservative Partnership Institute
Election Integrity Network

David Hensley's Pitmaster BBQ
Served to attendees
After 1 pm
No ifs. No ands. Lots of butts.
Candidate Filing

North Carolina 2022 primary elections
Rescheduled municipal elections
Ends at noon on Friday, March 4. Details: Candidate Filing for 2022 
Click image above
Arrives Washington March 5
Mighty Bill Britton
By night: First responder
By day:
Sandhills Young Republican
Full time:
Candidate for Register of Deeds
There's Only One Place to be on
March 8, 2022
Bob's Pizza
Meet NC House (D-78)
Candidate Neal Jackson
Running to represent Moore Co.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
5:30 - 7:00 pm
The Hardin Residence
20 Royal Dublin Downs
Coming to North Carolina
Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (ret.)
1960 Coliseum Dr.
4 - 6 pm
Pig Pickin' Hoedown
Feast & Greet
Todd Maness for County Clerk
Nick Picerno for County
Board of Commissioners
Saturday, April 16, 2022
3 - 6 pm
Rose Hill South
1010 Fire Tower Rd
Shotgun raffle
Please bring a dessert!
A fundraiser
To demonstrate love and support
For Jada Carlyle
(Great niece of Sheriff Fields)
A courageous teen
Battling lymphoma
Saturday, May 7, 2022
7 Lakes Golf Club
West End
Sponsor a hole
Contact: Neil Oakley
Donate to Jada's fund TODAY

"Ukrainian soldiers standing up to Putin are very brave, but it was Americans that put them in harm’s way by using their country as a weapon, first against Russia and then against each other, with little consideration for the Ukrainian people who are now paying the price for America’s folly." Read more.

Investigative reporter Lee Smith questions the narrative that Ukraine is a victim of Russian aggression. Learn more. He is the author of The Permanent Coup, a chronicle on the establishment's war on Donald Trump.

"All of which means that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is merely the first crack in the dam that holds back the floodtides of global chaos. Our material comforts are premised on a global order with the United States at its unchallenged head. Putin has challenged that order. The West seems unlikely to respond. We’re too busy blowing out our debt and naval-gazing about climate change, with gender fluidity, with supposed systemic racism, with income inequality. Russia and China can’t touch the West in terms of wealth or military might. But without a higher purpose, no country of any GDP can stand up to the naked aggression of nations animated by grim purpose of its own." Read more.

Ben Shapiro, writing for The Daily Wire, on February 27, 2022, foreshadows what idleness on the part of the U.S. portends.
Trusted sources

  • Substack: Big impact writers. Small or free subscriptions. Enter these names in the SEARCH FOR WRITERS field:
Unreported Truth (Alex Berenson), Unmasked, Useful Idiots (recovered MSMer Matt Taibbi), Unbound (veteran writer/journalist Walter Kirn), Eugyppius: A Plague Chronicle, Dr. Robert Malone.

  • CHD TV: Streaming from the Children's Health Defense site, opposing vaccines for kids, mandates overall.

  • Real America's Voice The streaming home of War Room: Pandemic, hosted by Stephen Bannon. Perhaps the best intel and insight in the digital media universe. Live 10 am and 5 pm daily or via podcast.

  • WarRoom.org The companion web site of War Room's streaming episodes. An excellent source of breaking news on Wuhan Virus and vaccine myths, the January 6 investigation scam, and ongoing 2020 election fraud headlines.

  • Revolver.news A comprehensive aggregator of news and analysis, both written and on video.

  • Just The News Launched by investigative journalist John Solomon, who left mainstream media to do the reporting it no longer will do. Content includes exclusive breaking news and podcasts.

  • The Epoch Times: A comprehensive print and digital news publication (some content requires a subscription) with roots in opposing human rights abuses in Communist China.

Hypocrisy, teed up

By Steve Woodward

American golf legend Phil Mickelson is being canceled as if he had been caught on video beating his wife and abusing the family pet because he suggested a certain attraction to this as yet still conceptual Saudi league, and amid his reasonable dissatisfaction with the lords of the PGA Tour. Why the indignation?

Because Mickelson also acknowledged that the Saudis routinely violate human rights and murder innocent people. 

Among his most vocal critics — after Mickelson’s remarks were released by the author of a forthcoming Mickelson biography — was Rory McIlroy of Ireland, a PGA Tour veteran who resides in the U.S. McIlory lashed out at his fellow competitor’s supposed nonchalance about Saudi authorities who routinely kill gay people as exposing Mickelson as “naive, selfish, egotistical and ignorant.” That about covers the character assassination spectrum.

Undoubtedly, negative reactions by McIlory and other players emboldened sponsors to drop Mickelson as if he had been exposing himself to children on a playground. KPMG. Callaway. Workday. See ya, Phil. Read more
The Miseducation
of America ... unveiled

Join fellow education reformers for a screening of a landmark Fox Nation series on March 24 at 6:30 pm at Sunrise Theater, Southern Pines.

Click to register and learn more
The JD and Maureen Show is making Democrat heads explode every Sunday
John Zumwalt and Maureen Krueger keep us focused on government overregulation and abuse during their WEEB Sunday 1 p.m. show, an hourlong discussion of local and statewide issues, some well known, others uncovered by the co-hosts.

If your golf tee times or Sunday brunch rituals conflict, fear not. Go to weeb990.com. Click on Podcasts on the lefthand navigation. Scroll to the John and Maureen Show. Click on the show you wish to hear. Click here. Photo: With legendary Lee Greenwood, August 16, 2021, Aberdeen, NC.