Volume 1 Issue 2 December 15, 2020
Happy holidays

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

In this turbulent year, we are grateful for your continued trust in us. Our goal is to provide you with excellent service through these difficult times.

We wish your family a wonderful holiday season and a New Year full of happiness and prosperity.
Get to Know Us: Robert C. Seitz
My name is Robert Seitz, and I am the managing attorney of the no-fault litigation department here at DELAMO law. I have been an attorney since 2000. If you want to read more about me professionally, you can find that info at I am a local guy growing up right here in Coral Gables and attended Coral Gables Senior high school. I attended college in California at UC Berkeley and graduated from the University of Colorado in Boulder. During my time in Boulder, Co. I found out all about the fantastic things you can do in the mountains. I hiked, Rafted, skied, rock climbed, and everything else I could outdoors. I found one of my passions while in Colorado….racing motorcycles. I love motorcycles and have ridden almost everywhere in the country and raced in Colorado and Nevada. Since I am becoming more mature, I have stepped away from racing, but still love my motorcycles. Since I grew up right here in Florida, I love the water and all the watersports I could get my hands on, especially scuba diving.
I was the youngest divemaster in Florida at the age of 16, and it’s still pretty hard to keep me away from the water on my days off. My favorite thing is to be a father to my 17-year-old daughter, who attends Miami Palmetto Senior High School. She is very active, and thereby by extension, so am I. She is involved in the marching band, drumline, Chatonettes, and a four-year starter for the water polo team. I attend nearly every event she is in, and I am the Panthers Instrumental & Auxiliary Parent Booster Association president. If you would like to know anything else, please give me a call, and if anyone here at Delamolaw can answer any of your legal questions, we would be more than happy to help.

Robert C. Seitz racing at Mountain View Motorsports park in the early 1990’s.
This Month in History

On “December 25, 1776 - During the American Revolution, George Washington took 2,400 of his men across the Delaware River. Washington then conducted a surprise raid on 1,500 British-Hessians (German mercenaries) at Trenton, New Jersey. The Hessians surrendered after an hour with nearly 1,000 taken prisoner by Washington who suffered only six wounded (including future president Lt. James Monroe). The victory provided a much-needed boost to American morale.”
George Washington went on to become our first president, he served 2 terms and went on to retire highly popular with American citizens. In 1796 he declined a third term in office and retired peacefully to New York State. Up to this very day he remains one of the most popular presidents in United states history. He is considered in many Americans opinions to be the father of our country.

Inspirational Moment
Mirka - Testimony .Thank you all for your continuos prayers.
Funny Moments
Quote of the Month
Notable Birthdays

        Famous people born in December
Walt Disney: December 5, 1901
Sammy Davis Jr.: December 8, 1925
Emily Dickinson: December 10, 1830
Ada Lovelace: December 10, 1815
Frank Sinatra: December 12, 1915
Taylor Swift: December 13, 1989
Shirley Jackson: December 14, 1916
Pope Francis: December 17, 1936
Sarah Paulson: December 17, 1974
Brad Pitt: December 18, 1963
Lebron James: December 30, 1984
Diane Sawyer: December 22, 1945
Ted Cruz: December 22, 1970
Woodrow Wilson: December 28, 1856
John Legend: December 28, 1978
Tiger Woods: December 30, 1975
Donald Trump Jr.: December 31, 1977

 Our Family
Vincent Pellegrini
Christopher D. Vasallo
Alexander Fox F.
Carlo Chialastri
Monaliza Almeida
Eric Michael Fresco
Karla Garcia
Laura M.Bellizio
   Other very important people to us
Alfredo Caicedo, Olga Walker, Simone Willrich, Pedro Herrera, Emily Posso, Tania Blanco, Marie Lydie Jean, Darcy Velazquez, Susi Diaz, Luz Elena Sepulveda, Franco Geisse, Giorgio Ardito, Ivette Clements, Stephanie Hernandez, Delfino Miranda, Odessa       Harris, Daniel Liyunam, Johana Soza, Kent Hart, Enrique Vela, Herman Lewis, Raico Martinez, Eddy Cabrera, Frank Perez, Luis Abbud, Marta Jimenez, Jorge Ramses Gomez Figueroa, Merissa Serpa, Clara Exposito, Jorge Gomez Figueroa, Jorge Gomez, Felix Ruiz, Carlin Garcia, Ricardo Hernandez, Stephanie Hernandez, HaydePollock, Christina Maria Garcia, Carmen Venegas, Barbaro Hernandez, Hector Matamoros, Martha Fernandez, Iris Santana, Martha  Fernandez, Jose Bernejo, Gustavo Batista, Flora Hernandez, ReinerDieguez, Jose Eduardo Ascensio, Tania Perez, Daniel Perez Carrillo, Gabrielle Martins, Joe Pila, Lazaro Perez, Julien Robinson, Jean Olivero, Ivan Heraldez, Lidia Garcia, David Herna, Julio Jesus Cruz, Leonor Betancourt, Amed      Gonzalez, Maria Chirinos, Clara Exposito, Sonia Alvarez, Monica Revilla, Judith Suarez, Georgina De Almagro, Lucibel Guerrero, Lazaro Tejera, Eduardo Cuesta, Giovanna Ramos, Paul Laughlin, Gladys Ramirez, Rodolfo Ribera, Luis Mario Munoz, Mercedes M. Pietri, David S. Corbett, Isachi Cotera, Helen Chisholm, Aileen M. Hernandez, Isabel Cruz, AlvaroFajardo, Ada I. Simpson, Mirta Rodriguez-Cordova, Maria Luisa Arcila, Jose S. Espinoza, Humberto Valdes, Annia Alcala, Xiomara Baullosa, Mirta Cordova, Abel Trujillo, Sol A.Montiel, JoseMartinez, Nelson Godoy, Orestes Gutierrez, Jean W.Cearc, Adriano Henrigues, Glenn Collier, Jose M. Artunduaga, Maria    Perez Suarez, Wanda Respeto, Adnery   Maldonado, Gloria Garcia, IsabelCruz, Francisca Milian, Israel de Jesus  Hernandez, Juan Fernandez, Hugo Mariaca, EdgarChavero, Judy Lopez, Adell Palmer, Wilter  Jeanbaptiste, Miguel A. De cardenas, Yurisleiby Palacios, Niurka Jardines, Sergio Villar, Jenipher Cobas, Jenny Borja, Ashley Michelle Velez, Estela Lorenz, Elizabeth Rosqueta, Guadalupe Arango, Katrina Yaques, Lazaro Hernandez Diaz, ConcepciónRodriguez, Ailyn Tosca Mesa, Mayra Fernandez, Constanza Sullivan, Mireya   Jaramillo, Carlos Rivas, Humberto Brito, Ivania Mendoza, Patricia Di Taranto, Rodolfo Monte, Jennifer Britton, Pedro J Duque, Adriana Vera, Beatriz Perez, Jani Rodriguez, Edgard Senteno, Daniel Miguel, Carlos Byrne, Marggie Kinney, NellyLeal, Haidee M. Tamayo, Ingrid Perez, Pilar Albuerne
Calendar of events
Our Favorite Businesses This Month
Let the professional staff at Prestige Auto Tech make you and your vehicle(s) our priority. Give them a call at (786) 899-2346 to "Request Appointment"

Amores Dental

Fall in love with your smile!
Dadeland (786) 384-6968
Letter from the President: This year the del Amo family started the year with so much hope. The family was healthy; our business was thriving. We were looking forward to another great year.
On February 2, 2020, my wife, Mirka, was diagnosed with stage IV Mantle Cell Lymphoma Cancer. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is aggressive and rare. There are four stages of mantle cell lymphoma. Stage IV is when the cancer cells have gone into masses, often replacing lymph nodes and have spread into other body organs. MCL has a poor prognosis, even with appropriate therapy. Usually, physicians note treatment failures in less than 18 months, and the median survival time of individuals with MCL is about two to five years. To add to the problem, Mirka's treatment was delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
When treatment started, She endured twenty-four chemotherapy treatments in six months, two bone marrow aspirations, six colonoscopies, two endoscopies, two pet scans, innumerable lab work, three emergency visits to the hospital, four blood transfusions, seven platelets transfusions. The worst was Mirka's second bone marrow aspiration. The procedure involves drilling with a four to six-inch drill into her low back. Complications brought by her weakened state-required two drillings, first with a four-inch and then with a six-inch drill. After the procedure, she experienced life-threatening internal bleeding, which resulted in tremendous pain.
However, God is faithful. Seven days after the procedure, she received the news. All the tests did not detect one cancerous mantle cell in her body. She is in complete remission. A miracle, prayers were answered.
However, the miracle is much more than complete remission. God has used what the enemy meant for evil to do good. She has witnessed her, her husband, and her family's faith in God grow by leaps and bounds as the ordeal strengthens their unity, love, and compassion. She has changed people's despair into hope with her boundless optimism and loving concern for others. She was a joyful, optimistic, loving person before the diagnosis, after the diagnosis, through the treatment, and after remission. Most of all, she has learned to look at life as a precious gift from God, live optimistically, and value each moment of her life. She looks forward to living life to the fullest and serving God.
I was asked to write for our newsletter. While researching, I found an article "His Mercies Are New Every Morning": Verse Meaning & 10 Ways to Have Hope by Debbie McDaniel, contributing writer. It touched my heart and expressed what the del Amo family feels much better. I am providing it to you, hoping that it will give you, as it did us, another perspective of God's love, grace, and mercy and bring you closer to Him or start you in your journey with Him.
God Forgives and Redeems:
No matter what we face today, God's promises stand true. In hard seasons, it may seem easier to complain about everything than to offer God praise. But there is great power in choosing to set our hearts and minds on Christ, offering Him praise for who He is and how He's at work in our lives. He redeems us from the pit. He satisfies us with good things and renews us. Remembering God's promises and choosing to praise Him and trust His Sovereignty is the first step towards finding hope in the hard seasons.
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, ...who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your life with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. ... The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. ... for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him, as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgression from us. ..." (Psalm 103:2-5911-12)
We Are Not Defined by Our Past – God Sets Us Free:
The labels that once defined us are never permanent. The enemy would love to wield those words over us to keep us stuck in regret or shame. But Christ came to set us free. And because of that, we have hope, especially on the hard days. His word reminds us that His banner over us is love. His label is lasting. It doesn't fade away if we blow it again. It doesn't wash off over time if we're inconsistent. It shines. Just as sure as the sun rises every morning, it breathes new hope and offers a fresh start every single day. Redeemed. Loved. Called. Restored. Cherished. Strong. Joyful. Hope-filled. "...Behold, I am making all things new..." (Revelation 21:5)

He Is Bigger than this Battle:
God often reminds us that He is greater than the problem, the obstacle, the giant, and the fear. He is a God of miracles who works on behalf of His children, even where we can't fully see. When confident of this truth, we can fully trust Him. We may not understand it all this side of heaven, but God is always faithful. And He can do in just a moment what it might take years for us to work through on our own. God's power is still greater than the works of darkness and far stronger than anything we may face here. "Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You." (Jeremiah 32:17)

God's Power Is Made Perfect in Our Weakness:
It's certainly never easy, but the truth is our greatest growth and perseverance come from the hard seasons. Through hard places, God brings us to deeper humility and dependency on Him. The sooner we can embrace this truth, the sooner we can be filled with the power of His Spirit over every problem. We can find great joy, and be able to confidently say what Paul proclaimed in these verses, "when I am weak, then I am strong." It is the truest lesson of learning, "less of me, more of Him," and it yields the abundant fruit from a life hidden in Christ. "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

God Will Bring Purpose Through This Trial and Will Turn It Around for Good:
As believers in Christ, we can hold fast to this promise. God will never waste our pain. He will turn it around for good. Every battle. Every painful storm. He will never allow us to walk through deep struggle without allowing it to bring greater hope and purpose, both in our own lives and through our place in this world. Every mark of darkness is redeemed when we're in Christ. It's what He does best. He brings beauty and strength, hope and goodness from every difficult journey and broken day. Our Lord lifts us out of the deep and into greater purpose and blessing up ahead. Restored. Redeemed. Renewed. Repurposed.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

He Reminds Us to Choose Joy:
If we've lived long enough, we know this to be true: the trials we face are all a part of life. None of us are immune from hard times. God reminds us over and over in His word that difficulties are a part of our journey. It makes us stronger, gives us endurance, builds our faith. He tells us not to be surprised at the troubles we face but to "keep on rejoicing." I've needed to let that sink deep again. "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing…" (1 Peter 4:12-13

"Keep on rejoicing" Because truly, it's a choice. It may be hard to keep choosing joy when life seems to press us down. But God wants to lift our burdens and remind us there's hope still ahead.

God Covers Us in His Care:
The enemy will always tempt us to believe we are forgotten and left on our own. We have to choose to step right over his traps. We may not be aware, but God is leading, carrying us, even when we don't understand how we're getting through each day. The Bible is filled with countless reminders that He loves us and that His Presence covers us, goes before us, and hems us in from behind. God never asks us to face the struggles alone. "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, 'My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!' He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings, you will find refuge..." (Psalm 91:1-24)
God Is in Control, so We Don't Have to Worry:
One of the hardest things I've learned in life, especially in the tough times, is simply this: Be still, more.
When we're so prone to hurry and worry, this can be such a challenge. But we should never allow the pressures of what we're facing to get in the way of just spending much-needed time in God's Presence. It's truly the most important minutes of our day and will bring peace to our spirit and strength to the day.
Whatever's concerning you, entrust it to our powerful God. Talk to Him. He knows your burdens, and He cares. Read His words and pray them back to Him. Think about them day and night. Time spent with God helps us quit spiraling into cycles of worry as our hearts and minds focus more on Him. The very God who causes the sun to rise every morning, who created us and all that we see, also keeps us safe in His care and reminds us, He hasn't lost control. Not ever.
"Be still and know that I am God..." (Psalm 46:10)
God Knows Our Way, and He Is Carrying Us Through:
When we find ourselves there in the storm, it's easy to start thinking it may never end. But we're not meant to stay stuck there; this is only a season of time. God promises to see us through, and He will help us step through to the other side of the struggle. He knows our way, and He is building beauty and strength. He promises we will come out "as gold," tested, tried, and true. Remember that you're only passing through. We will be changed for the better, stronger, shining, beauty deepened from within.
"But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold." (Job 23:10)
God Gives Us His Grace and Mercy for Each New Day:
Every single morning, God is waiting to meet with us, with the fresh filling of His Spirit, with strength for the day ahead. He offers us the rich blessings of His grace and mercy that never run dry. And here's what those gifts mean for our lives: Grace = getting what we don't deserve. Mercy = not getting what we do deserve. And I'm incredibly thankful for both. I'm sure you are too. God is so good, always gracious and loving. As you draw near to Him today, may you sense His powerful presence surrounding you in every way. "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Mirka is a woman of faith. She set up a chat group called "Make It Count," The purpose of the chat was to ask God to use her condition to count for Him in the lives of others. She lived with the biblical command found in Romans 12:12 (NLT) "Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble and keep on praying." From the beginning, she refused to look at the negative and trusted in God to work a miracle. Mirka knows God has a purpose for everything and that his plan is perfect. She felt God was walking with her throughout the process and guiding her and her husband to choose the right doctors and the doctors to give her the right treatment on God's schedule.
Dear Father, 

We pray that you'd give us a heart today to seek you above all else. Thank you that your mercies are new every morning, thank you that your faithfulness is greater than we could ever imagine. We choose to find our joy and strength in you today and every day. And we trust you to bring us through this dark season, stronger, restored, shining like gold, with a greater purpose for the road ahead, in Jesus' Name.

This year we end the year with redirected hope, not on things of this world, but with renewed and increased trust in our God and savior.
Del Amo Law | Law Offices of Carlos del Amo, P.A.
3211 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 200, Coral Gables, FL 33134
T: (305) 443-7005 | F: (305) 443-2238
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