Pro Bono Update

New video spotlights pro bono at Legal Aid NC

Got a minute? That's about all it takes to check out our awesome new video about pro bono at Legal Aid of North Carolina. Head over to YouTube to hear from our volunteers and leaders about how pro bono service is not only beneficial to our clients and communities, but also enriching for the volunteers themselves.


Lawyer on the Line and Charlotte Triage

As of January, monthly Lawyer on the Line clinics are now an integral part of the Charlotte Triage Pro Bono Partnership, the Queen City legal community's concerted effort to bridge the justice gap for Charlotte residents. Big thanks to Nelson Mullins and Wells Fargo for organizing January's clinic, and to Bank of America and McGuireWoods for organizing this month's clinic.

Learn more about Charlotte Triage

New policy for reporting pro bono service

Our friends at the NC Pro Bono Resource Center are spreading the word about a new policy that will make it easier for attorneys and paralegals to report their pro bono hours to the State Bar. Click the link below to learn more.

If you volunteered with Legal Aid NC in 2023 and haven't reported your hours to us, it's not too late! You can report to the attorney or coordinator you worked with on your case, or to our general mailbox.

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Program Spotlight

Law school clinical programs

Did you know that law schools and law students are among our most valuable pro bono partners? Either through standing referral relationships or in-person clinics, we work closely with all six NC law schools to serve more clients while fostering our state's next generation of service-oriented attorneys.

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Volunteer Spotlight

Mark W. Kinghorn · McGuireWoods

Mark Kinghorn, a partner with McGuireWoods in the firm's Charlotte office, is a Housing Champion for the Charlotte Triage Pro Bono Partnership, which brings together the city's private and nonprofit legal communities to address residents' unmet legal needs.

In partnership with Legal Aid NC, Mark helped design, implement and direct the program's services to our housing clients. Not content with leadership alone, Mark also jumps into the trenches to serve clients himself.

In December, Mark successfully concluded his service to one of our housing clients, whom he began helping five years prior. His unflagging service in the face of a highly litigious opposing party prevented his client's eviction and saved them from having to pay the opposing party a ruinously high sum of money.

Thanks to Mark's remarkable dedication, his client is now enjoying a new, stable housing situation and is unburdened from a catastrophic debt, free to face the future without worry.

Learn more about Mark

Pro Bono Go

Pro Bono Go is a one-stop shop for pro bono opportunities from NC's leading civil-justice groups. Check out our latest opportunities below. More at

Domestic violence survivor needs representation re: equitable distribution

Mecklenburg County

Domestic violence survivor needs representation in equitable distribution proceedings. Our attorney is representing in child custody proceedings but has limited experience with equitable distribution and seeks co-counsel.

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Tort defense for retaliatory suit against domestic violence survivor

Wake County

We are seeking an attorney to defend a tort claim against our client brought in retaliation for her seeking a Domestic Violence Protective Order. No court date or deadline has been set.

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Advice for housing conditions issue

Beaufort County · Help Remotely

Brief advice and counsel for client with repairs needed in his rent-to-own mobile home.

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Criminal record expunctions

Statewide · Ongoing

Seeking volunteers to represent clients throughout the course of expunction proceedings, possibly including court appearances. Volunteers may select the volume of cases and the counties in which they are willing to serve.

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