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October 2020
New report on first-ever Patient-Focused
Drug Development meeting on hepatitis B now available
When the FDA accepted our proposal to organize the first-ever Externally Led Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD) Meeting dedicated to Hepatitis B, the event was planned for the Washington, D.C., area. As COVID-19 began spreading across the United States, the FDA agreed that we needed to switch to a webcast.

Moving to an online format presented challenges but it boosted participation. About 650 people from around the world logged into the PFDD meeting on hepatitis B and, without geographic limits, we were able to recruit a powerful panel of speakers.

Dr. Su Wang was among the experts who
spoke during the June 9 PFDD meeting.

We just recently posted our 55-page report on the PFDD meeting with a full transcript, the email comments that we received and a link to the recording on a dedicated page on the Foundation's website.
Nancy's story: #just B Tested
"Sometimes I think about what could have been, if we had found out early.
We could have gotten treatment to save your life."

Nancy was a recent college graduate working in Washington, D.C, when she got the call that her father was gravely ill. He was not diagnosed with hepatitis B until it was too late and he was already in the final stages of liver cancer. With the loss of her father, Nancy and her family were left blindsided and angry. "It was too early for him." Please read more.
Top scientists lined up for the Blumberg Institute seminars
The Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, which is the Hepatitis B Foundation's research arm, has a strong lineup of prominent
researchers in hepatitis B and liver diseases for its online Distinguished Speaker Seminars. The series is free-of-charge and open to anyone interested (pre-registration is required).

The next seminar is Dec. 3, with Dr. Stephen Urban, a virologist at the University Hospital Heidelberg.

Upcoming seminars are listed below in "Events" and on the Institute's website here, where you also can watch recording of prior Blumberg 2020 Research Seminars.
The Liver Meeting, sponsored annually by AASLD, will be digital
We are very pleased that the Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) is offering special rates and engaging activities for patients and advocates at this year’s The Liver Meeting Digital Experience™ (TLMdX).

Patients and advocates can register for $50 by entering the code “patient.” This rate will be available until Oct. 24. Registering this way will give you access to the full experience, plus specific sessions and tailored resources, including a Patient/Advocate Booth, Patient Connection & Community Lounge, Annual Patient Forum, Interactive Abstract Tours with a Focus on Patients, and a session on How to Get Involved with Advocacy.

The registration page is now open. If you have any registration-related issues, please send an email to
Become a Hep B Champion today!
It’s easy to become a Hep B Champion! We rely on support from friends from all over the world to keep our programs and research going. By giving a small, monthly gift, you can help us find the cure and improve lives of people living with hepatitis B throughout the year! To become a Champion today, click here.
Hepatitis B Foundation journal pick of the month
Hepatitis B core antibody: Role in clinical practice in 2020
Gish, R.G.; Basit, S.A.; Ryan, J.; Dawood, A.; Protzer, U.
Current Hepatology Reports, July 11, 2020

It is crucial for clinicians to understand the need to screen for the hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc). There are some misconceptions that exist that can be potentially harmful when treating the disease. This article breaks down several common misconceptions using the most recent evidence as support. Also, the authors analyze and summarize the best and most current strategies for anti-HBc testing. Please read more here.
Hepatitis B Foundation article of the month
We are all Africans: A highly personal migratory view of the history of hepatitis B
By Robert G. Gish, M.D., medical director, Hepatitis B Foundation
"When I first focused my professional attention on HBV, I was certain of two things. First, what I cared about was testing and linkage to care, including antiviral treatment. Second, and completely separate, was a preoccupation with my family heritage that nominally was proposed to be only northern European. Results of recent research, however, have led me down a winding, fascinating coastal “beachcomber” trail that has given me a huge and abiding interest in the origins of human HBV. Please read more here.
Study opportunity available for patients experiencing itching due to liver disease or injury
If you are living with itching (cholestatic pruritus) caused by hepatitis B, hepatitis C, drug-induced liver-injury, auto-immune hepatitis or primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), you may be eligible to participate in a new opportunity to help researchers understand the lived experience of this condition.

A new research study is seeking individuals 12-80 years old living in the U.S. and Canada for interviews. Please read more here.
End-of-treatment results from phase 2 hepatitis delta drug study
The end of treatment results from the Phase 2 LIFT (Lambda Interferon) Lonafarnib combination study in hepatitis delta patients were presented at the recent International Liver Congress.

Week 24 results of this study show promise for this possible combination treatment (with Ritonavir) for the hepatitis delta virus; 96% of patients achieved a decline in hepatitis delta RNA and 58% of trial participants reached a viral load that was undetectable.

This combination will be explored further and week 48 results will be presented in the future. For more on this new potential combination therapy, click here.
 New translated resources available for health educators in African immigrant communities
Translations of our hepatitis B training for community health workers in African Immigrant communities are now available.

This training is part of the Know Hepatitis B campaign done in a collaboration with the CDC and Hepatitis B Foundation.

Versions in Amharic, Arabic, French and Swahili are here.

We hope this train-the-trainer tool will help to reach a wider audience and contribute to existing efforts to prevent, screen for and treat hepatitis B in African immigrant communities.
Dec. 2-4 - Hep B United Summit
"Standing up for hepatitis B: Creative collaborations to
amplify awareness, access and equity"

Dec. 3, 11 a.m. EDT
Stephen Urban, Ph.D., Department of Infectious Diseases,
University Hospital Heidelberg
"Inhibitor of entry as a therapeutic for hepatitis B and D"

Dec. 10, 11 a.m. EDT
Dongfang Liu, MBBS, Ph.D, Prof. of Pathology,
Rutgers New Jersey School of Medicine
"Natural Killer (NK) cells from basic immunobiology to clinical application"
Learn more about our research and education programs at
The Hepatitis B Foundation is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure and improving the quality of life for those affected by hepatitis B worldwide. Our commitment includes funding focused research, promoting disease awareness, supporting immunization and treatment initiatives, and serving as the primary source of information for patients and their families, the medical and scientific community, and the general public.
Hepatitis B Foundation I 3805 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 I
215-489-4900 I