May 20, 2022
There are some very unique and dare I say, colorful stories, in the Bible. We've looked at some of them before. So, consider this Colorful Stories 2.0.

Over the next few weeks we're going to explore some strange and unique stories about the apostles, including this week's tale of Paul and his long and winding road to Macedonia, and accidentally meeting Lydia — a fine maker of purple cloth.

Let's gather to worship a God who guides us in the mess of life and makes a way out of no-way.

Also join us as we send our Admin Assistant, Zach Sterling, off to his new adventures with a blessing and Godspeed!

-Pastor Ryan

9:50 AM: Pre-Gathering Hangout
10:00 AM: Hybrid Worship Service
11:15 AM: Post-Worship Fellowship
Live Zoom (hybrid) is ALWAYS an option for those who wish to stay home and those who worship from around the world with us.
Sunday School Returns
Kiddos, join Vicar Chelsea for Sunday School during this Sunday's church service (5/22), (immediately following Young and Young at Heart). During the service kids will be invited up to the front of the church for our "Young and Young at Heart" message and then welcomed to participate in a 20 minute lesson with videos, Bible story reading, and craft making.
Poem & Scripture Study

We are continuing our midweek Midrashing with the poems of Jeff Foster and Scripture study that focus on the role and devotion of Mary, mother of Jesus. 

No pre-work is necessary, come as you are to experience the work and words of the Divine in the world. 7:30 pm Wednesday nights on ZOOM only. 

Join Pastor Ryan for a Facebook Live prayer walk and reflection. Feel encouraged to send him any prayer requests before or during the Live prayer. We are all made more whole together with prayer.
If you have yet to fill out the "Time, Talents, and Treasures Pledge Form", please do so.
Click here to submit your form.

In addition, please consider the easy, cost-free ways you can support our church simply be signing up for free contributions at Ralph's and Amazon.

Click here to sign up for these easy, cost-free, contribution options.

Face Mask 1
We strongly encourage the use of masks for our indoor gatherings out of respect and love for the most vulnerable among us.

Those who are unvaccinated and eligible need to continue masking. 

We will also return to using bracelets (green, yellow, red) so that all can demonstrate individual comfort regarding physical interaction and personal space needs.

Green = Comfortable with close interaction
+ fully vaccinated

Yellow = Uncertain about close interaction
+ fully vaccinated 

Red = Either uncomfortable with close interaction
or not fully vaccinated. 

Lutheran Disaster Response is accompanying our companions in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, as well as such ecumenical partners as Lutheran World Federation and Church World Service, in their humanitarian responses to the crisis. These partners provide refugees with immediate support and supplies such as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits. Your gifts will support people impacted by this crisis. Gifts designated to "Eastern Europe Crisis" will be used in full (100%) for direct response to assist those affected.

Click HERE to share a gift for disaster and humanitarian relief.
Special Office Hours During Staff Transition
This week the church has special office hours as we transition staff. Our church office will be open Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Monday and Tuesday by appointment only.
Contact us at [email protected].