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New Powerful 3 Hour Online Course

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*Developed By 30 Year Nationally Recognized Digital Media Attorney


* There is a one-time organization portal set-up fee of $297

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

It's Time To Get Serious About Social Media Liability Training

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The U.S. Supreme Court Classifies Social Media As An Inherently Dangerous Broadcasting Platform That Employees Can Weaponize To Permanently Destroy A Person's Reputation Worldwide.

 LEGAL AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C. 1983, Social Media, Smartphones Are High Risk Platforms Packingham v. North Carolina 137 S. Ct. 1730 (2017), Riley v. California 134 S. Ct. 2473 (2014), Elonis v. U.S. 135 S. Ct. 2001 (2015). Privacy Issues:  First and Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, City of Ontario, California v. Quon 130 S. Ct. 2619 (2010). Libel: New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 US 254 - 1964Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc., 418 US 323 - 1974

You Are Living In La La Land If You Think A

Social Media Policy And Verbal Warnings

Protect You From Personal Liability...

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Courts view Social Media as a high liability legal issue that warrants proof that all employees received outside expert training on the new social media Libel, First Amendment, Privacy, Copyright and other speech related issues.

Here's The #1 Question In A Lawsuit That Proves Failed Leadership And Personal Liability

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You knew or should have known that your employees often do work and communicate with co-workers on their personal devices and private accounts; you can't monitor these messages. So, why did you refuse to protect them with outside expert social media liability training that only cost $9 per person?

This Is Specialized Training That Can't Be Done By Your In-House Attorney

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"Social Media Attorney Fiedelholtz proved today that if you don't have a social media law expert train your employees, you put your employees and organization at great legal risk."

Chief Craig Dispenza,

Freehold Boro , NJ

Orange County Florida Logo.PNG

"Mark, excellent course. The risks are too high to use social media without this type of expert training."

- Philip B. Williams, Administrator

Public Safety, Orange County, FL

3 Excuses That Make You Look Foolish In A Court Of Law And In The Court Of Public Opinion

  • We can't afford expert online social media liability training that cost $9 per person and a one time portal set-up fee of $297.

  • Our in-house attorney has the same social media law expertise as 30 year nationally respected digit al media attorney Fiedelholtz.

  • We have a social media policy and don't need to enforce the policy with expert social media law training for all employees.

If You Think Your Employees Are Well Trained And Don't Need My Expert Training, Have Them Take This Basic

6 Question Social Media Law Competency Test....

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"Great course Mark. I not only learned how much I didn't know about social media liability, but was amazed to find out

what I did know was wrong."


- Division Chief Louis Carnell, Hillsborough Co., FL

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

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Courts Hold Decision Makers Personally Liable

For Leaving Firefighters Ignorant Of The New

Social Media Speech Laws When The Need For Outside Expert Training Was So Obvious....

Petersburg settles 4.7 million dollar lawsuit over social media policy and police chief held personally liable.

Charlotte Fire Department Didn't Like Her Ferguson Post So They Fired Her, Now They Must Pay 1.5 Milion

Want To Know The Best Way To Anger A Judge And Show The Public That you Aren't Serious About Employee Social Media Misbehavior...

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Claim that can't afford $9 per person for outside expert social media liability training and state that your busy in-house attorney has the same expertise as a 30 year nationally recognized digital media attorney to train employees.




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"Mark, after reviewing the program, the Sterling Heights Fire Department enrolled 100 firefighters in the course."


 City of Sterling Heights, Fire Department, MI (2020)

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"Mark's course contains new information that needs to be delivered to fire chiefs and firefighters to protect them and the organization."


- Chief Chuck Edwards

Bradenton Fire Department, FL

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Unless your busy in-house attorney is a 30 year digital media attorney like me, there is no possible way my expert social media liability strategies can be duplicated in-house.

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

Hundreds Of Fire Departments Agree, There Is No Excuse Not To Quickly Register All Your Employees For My $9 Per Person Online Social Media Liability Course.

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“Your class opened my eyes to the liability that lies beneath the flashy facade. I had no idea of the possible legal ramifications of simply liking a post or other hidden social media liability issues. I would highly recommend this course to every fire department across the country."


Steven Ford, Flower Mound Fire Department, TX (2021)

Scary Statistics

Don't be confused, verbal warnings doesn't qualify as adequate training under the new 1983 federal standards. You'll learn this hard way in a lawsuit after you fire or discipline an employee for

social media policy violations.

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In a recent survey, out of 5,468 live and online course participants who said they had previous social media law training, the average pre-test score was 13% on our basic 6 question social media pre-test. The failure rate was 100%.

Courts Reject 99% Of Model Social Media Policies For 2 Primary Reasons...

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Reason #1: The policy was written by a general attorney, not a top social media law specialist like me. The policy contains vague language and overlooks key issues.

Reason #2: You have no proof that the policy was enforced with outside expert social media liability training for all employees.

Here's What Happens When You Place

Blind Trust On Model Policies And Verbal Warnings To Employees...

Long Island firefighter apologizes for Facebook comment against Muslims Steps down as dist. chairman

Arkansas firefighter fired after sharing offensive Facebook post, residents up in arms over the comment

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

You Are Losing The Public Trust

Social Media mistakes destroy the sacred image of firefighters as selfless devoted heroes. Once this earned image disappears, the public views the fire service as just another public institution that is competing for scarce tax dollars.

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The Public Doesn't Want Apologies, They Want Firefighters That Are Educated To Avoid

Costly Social Media Mistakes...

‘I did not mean it that way’: Fire chief in Lancaster County apologizes for racially insensitive social media post

IL Fire Chief Apologizes for Social Media Post about Looters. Says funny comment can in fact be hurtful

Fla. firefighter apologizes for social media joke about shooting

Fire engineer replied to an Instagram post

DeKalb firefighter apologizes for ‘hurtful’ social media remarks during heated exchange in defending police

Inadequate Social Media Speech Liability Training Produces Posts And Tweets That Hurt Your

Community Relations And Overall Public Image...

Lewes firefighter under fire for anti-gay slur post Assistant Fire Chief Suspended, issues apology.

Local firefighter fired after posting inapprphotos of fatal crash on social media

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Without my expert online social media liability course, employees will continue to be confused over "Free Speech" rights on private social media networks, and make mistakes that hurt your public image and legitimacy.

Columbia, SC, firefighter says on Facebook that he'd run down BLM protesters if they shut down highway

Henrico County, VA, firefighter 

posts racist and sexist remarks on his personal Facebook page

Boston firefighter posts a cartoon photo depicting a black man holding the severed head of a white man.

Detroit homeowner sues fire dept. over house fire photo, negligence lawsuit filed against city, and individual firefighters

Your Not Saving Money By Ignoring My Expert Online Course For All Your Employees, You Are Exposing Your Employees And Organization To Costly 1983

Personal Liability And A Bad Public Image

Ex-Captain seeks millions in lawsuit against Nashville Fire for demotion over posts

Texarkana firefighter on leave for 'racially charged' social media post

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

It's Time For A Reality Check On Social Media Risk...

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Unless your busy in-house is a 30 year digital media attorney that has trained over 100,000 public employees like me, this type of expert training can't be done in-house.

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Decision makers are personally liable for placing blind trust on model social media policies. 99% of these policies are not written by top digital media attorneys and use boilerplate language that courts reject as too vague.

You Won't Put Out A Social Media Firestorm With

PR Spin, You Need My New "Red Flag" System...

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New "Red Flag" System Eliminates Confusion Over Free Speech Rights On Private Accounts

Big Benefits For Only $9 Per Person

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Questions? Call 954-748-7698

Since In-House Attorneys Aren't 30 Year Digital Media Attorneys Like Me, Hundreds Of Departments Are Now Making My Online Course Mandatory

For All Employees...


"Across our nation, too many public employees have paid the price for not receiving the tools to navigate social media safely. After auditing Mark Fiedelholtz’s Social Media Liability Course with our fire chief, we decided to mandate this training to every member of our teams. If you want to protect your people and your department, I strongly recommend this course."

Chief Tim Barfield,

Village Of Wellington OH (2021)

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"“The value and need for this expert social media liability training can’t be overstated for all public employees.”

District Chief Eric Rodriguez,

Dunedin Fire Department, FL

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"Social Media Attorney Fiedelholtz proved today that if you don't have a social media law expert train your employees, you put your employees and organization at

great legal risk."

Chief Craig Dispenza, Freehold Boro, NJ

It's Not If Your Employee Makes A Social Media Mistake That Destroys Your Public Image,

It's When...

Two firefighters terminated after social media post regarding Brevard City officials, lawyer says

Ex-Firefighter Sues Her Old Fire Department After Getting Fired For Her Instagram Pictures

Firefighters nationwide face consequences following troubling social media

posts about protests

Read This Eye-Opening Story

Questions? 954-748-7698

99% Of Social Media Mistakes Occur From Inadequate Training On What Off-Duty Personal Opinions Are Classified As Constitutionally Protcted Speech Under The First Amendment...

Employees Learn My Powerful

"Red Flag" System To Identify And Eliminate "High Liability" Speech...

Never Again Worry About An Employee's Off/On Duty Personal Post, Tweet, Text, And Email Hurting Your Public Image And Disrupting The Workplace...

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Employees Learn To Eliminate...

  • Personal opinions not protected by the First Amendment
  • Shatter myths about off-duty speech on private accounts
  • Social Media messages that show implicit bias
  • Avoid comments that could cause cases to be dismissed
  • Eliminate posts that cause harassment, cyber-bullying
  • Avoid libelous content and libel by implication
  • Mitigate risk of retweeting and republishing liability
  • Shield yourself from invasion of privacy claims
  • Steer clear of copyright infringement lawsuits
Podcast: How The Red Flag System Works

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

Chiefs, In-House Attorneys, and HR Agree, Unless Your In-House Attorney Is A 30 Year Digital Media Law Specialist, There Is No Possible Way This Type Of Specialized Employee Training Can Be Done In-House


"Great program. Being aware of the hidden liabilities not discussed in other courses saves your public image,

and big legal fees." 


- Cindy Reid, Attorney, Davidson, NC

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"Mark, after reviewing the program, the Sterling Heights

Fire Department enrolled 100 firefighters in the course."


 City of Sterling Heights, Fire Department, MI (2020)

Bradenton Fire.gif

"Mark's course contains new information that needs to be delivered to fire chiefs and firefighters to protect them and the organization."

- Chief Chuck Edwards

Bradenton Fire Department, FL

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"The course content regarding Libel, expectation of Privacy, and the many myths regarding freedom of speech are aspects of social media that all employees, public and private, need to know and understand.”

Chief Wetherbee, Wellington Fire, OH

Other Public Safety Agencies Nationwide

Agree, My Online Course Needs To Be

Mandatory For All Employees...

Central Marin Police Authority.PNG

"Mark Fiedelholtz's online social media liability course is a must training for any public agency who wants to protect their employees as well as the employer from often misunderstood social media liabilities." 

Alberto Duenas, Investigation Supervisor

Central Marin Authority, Larkspur, CA

Spotsylvania County Sheriff Logo.jpg

"What an eye-opening course. Mark's new strategies save your job and keep you from being sued. All law enforcement need this type of expert social media law training."


Shaun D. Jones,

Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office, VA


I wanted to commend you on your Social Media Course; members of my department, myself included, recently completed the course and we found it to be time well spent. Instruction was straight forward, to the point, easy to follow and appropriately detailed, in short, the course was well worth the time and money spent. In addition, your customer service was beyond reproach, I emailed you several times and each time you responded immediately and rectified email problems that were created on our end, but effected our course completions. Thank you for a great course and a great experience, I look forward to seeing more courses.”


Cmdr. Ron Curtis , Groveland Police Department, FL (2021)

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"Across our nation, too many public employees have paid the price for not receiving the tools to navigate social media safely. After auditing Mark Fiedelholtz’s Social Media Liability Course with our fire chief, we decided to mandate this training to every member of our teams. If you want to protect your people and your department, I strongly recommend this course."

Chief Tim Barfield, Village Of Wellington Police, OH (2021)

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“I feel the course was well organized. Your passion on the subject matter translates well into your presentations. You obviously believe the information you present in the course.  Anyone in the public sector should be learning this stuff. Even if you're already pretty careful with your social media presence, you are going to learn more.” 

Zohar Zaied, Mendocino County Public Safety, CA

My $9 Per Person Online Course

Saves Careers And Your Public Image

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Video Course Overview

Detailed Outline

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? Call 954-748-7698

Registration Information

Group Rate: $9 plus a one-time department portal fee of $297

Course Delivery Method: Online Course

Course Length: 3 Hours

Course Access: 24/7 access, work at your own pace

Course Certificate: All participants receive course completion certificates

License Duration: One year license, you can make up your own course deadline

Course Support: Consistent and timely course support

Full Course Review Program: $79 per person (If you decide to train all your employees, you receive a credit towards your portal fee. Click Here To Register For Review Course

Easy Registration Process: You send me the names and emails of your participants in two columns on a spreadsheet or other document. I then will send out course invitations. After all the course invitations are sent out, I will send you an invoice. You can keep adding people at $9 per person during the year and I will send out new invoices.

Questions? 954-748-7698

Forward Our Generic Course Flyer To Other Departments
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Contact Information

Phone: 954-748-7698

Email: [email protected]
