A message from Ted Booker;

Greetings! The AMAAD Squad is excited about the opportunity to serve as a connector to resources and a provider of client-centered, culturally empathetic services to a community in need. This new year, 2023, bodes well with optimism, enthusiasm, and grit to get things done. We stand in solidarity with our mantra of “finding innovative solutions to age-old problems.” Community members are faced with many challenges of self-sufficiency and well-being, but the work cannot be done alone or in isolation. Relationships are the cornerstone of collective action and an impetus for solving problems. South LA on Purpose is our motto because the geographic area is a resilient community with great promise. 


AMAAD’s continuing scope of interest includes partnerships focused on healing the community; setting the stage for whole-person care and mental wellness is important to us. There are a number of ambitious goals and objectives set for our priority populations. New programs and services as well as exciting cause-oriented events are on the horizon. Be a change agent and join us on the quest for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The challenge for this year is to bring your energy, relationships, and resources to do the work. The outcome offers formidable rewards. 

Ted Booker


Business Development & Grant Manager.

Free Food Distribution - 1/25/2023

Our food distribution program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Every 4th Wednesday of the month, the USDA delivers valuable food at no cost. We are charged with distributing all goods within 3 hours. The shipment arrives at 9 am, and a team of volunteers unloads items off the truck onto pallets. From there we work together as a team to bag items for distribution from 11 am-1 pm.

Distribution occurs here at our Watts office 10221 S. Compton Ave., and the Mike Gipson House 338 E. 79th street. We realize it is best to distribute on the same day as delivery due to the perishable products we receive. Some items we’ve received are almonds, walnuts, salmon, dairy products, fish, bread, and more, to name a few.

We look forward to providing services and look forward to seeing you. 

Ronald Jackson

Manager of Navigation Support Services

In Living Color Award and Ceremony Celebration 1/20/2023

The In Living Color Awards & Ceremony was conceived in 2019 as a way of recognizing the hard work, contribution, and simple kindness that certain members of the community have continually shown our Black LGBTQ+ community members and organizations. The purpose of In Living Color is to highlight Black men, women, and our trans and non-binary siblings who have made strides in work and support of LGBT representation and equality. The ceremony will recognize these community leaders with each color of the rainbow as well as the Black Awards of Innovation and Dedication.

The RED award, represented by the virtues of Passion and Activism, will be presented to Armond Anderson Bell for his continued commitment to showing up for the community; ORANGE for Creativity and Influence is presented to Neverending Nina for boldly wielding her influence like a sword; with the color YELLOW for Vitality and Energy, we are awarding our partners at the California Justice Leaders; GREEN for Healing and Growth is presented to community member Lionell Edwards who teaches us daily about growth as he steps into his own healing every day; the BLUE Peacemaker/Ally award is presented to Sikivu Hutchinson for her tremendous work supporting girls and parents of queer identified children; the PURPLE Royalty and Elder award is presented to Reverend Alfreda Lanoix, a community pioneer whose tremendous advocacy in the community needs no introduction; and last, but not least, the shade of Innovation BLACK to filmmaker and changemaker Donnie Hue and Dedication BLACK to our dear and devoted friend Lamont Masters.

Generally, held in the month of October in celebration of LGBTQ History Month, this season’s 2022 ILC Awards and ceremony event will be held Friday, January 20 from 7 pm -9 pm at the historic & beautiful Chester Washington Gold Course (1818 Charlie Sifford Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90047) in the heart of South Los Angeles.

Please join us in celebrating these trailblazing Angels!


Cynthia Ruffin


Chief Programs Officer

Story Circles- 1/29/2023

“You’re invited to a virtual support group for Women of Color. VENT is a Vehicle Everyone Needs To help let go. Join us on January 29, 2023, from 11 am-1 pm, as the HIV.E’s Women of Color cohort holds space with you. Here you can release energetic and emotional trauma related to being infected or affected by HIV. A raffle and other resources will be provided at the end of the session.”

Dechelle Richardson


Community Engagement & Training Coordinator

Catch The Beat - 1/13/2023

They say “Sex Sells” so bring it to the floor for season 4 of Catch the Beat “The Sex Sells Mini Ball/Session” this Friday, Jan 13th Hosted by: Out Here APLA, and y’all know we giving cash prizes!!! So bring it to the floor! #APLA #AMAAD #Vogue #CatchTheBeat

Jet Finley


Prevention Specialist

In Search Of Me - 1/19/2023

In Search of Me is a monthly virtual workshop designed to create a safe passage to healing and self-discovery and to use those difficult circumstances of life as building blocks and stepping stones to the next phase of life to help motivate and assist participants of the Reclaiming Innocence Project. ISOM is a concept Ted introduced to the team. Ryan, Ted, and I all contribute to creating and making ISOM a staple for the AMAAD Institute’s Reclaiming Innocence Project. This workshop covers topics such as budgeting, attitudes, behaviors, goals, future plans, various other resources, and more. Each year we take time to show our participants how much we care about working with the participants navigating their process back into society.

ISOM typically meets on the 3rd Thursday via zoom from 5-7 pm. This special event is scheduled for January 19 from 1-3 pm in our office Penthouse Suite. The regular schedule will resume as usual for the month of February 2023.

Ronald Jackson

Manager of Navigation Support Services

Peggy Kiarie


Media Coordinator







Dr. Carl Highshaw

