Definition of anti-desiccant: also called Antitranspirants are surface sprays that help preserve evergreen foliage from excessive winter drying. During winter dormancy many trees remove or reduce water from their internal tissues because they are not actively growing above ground.

Evergreens keep their leaves (or needles) all year, which means they lose moisture all year too. This process is called "transpiring". Dry conditions and chilly wind conditions can pull moisture from foliage leaving trees vulnerable to excessive moistures loss. When the ground is frozen, plants can’t take up water through their roots like they normally would. The result? Evergreen leaves start to shrivel and turn brown- or even die in severe cases. 
Desiccation won't show signs until the damage is done. Once it warms up in spring you'll notice winter burn pretty quickly but at that point, the damage is done.

There are a few things that can make plants more susceptible to winter drying. The location of your tree, whether it's in full sun or exposed windy areas. Often, you’ll see the damage on the south or southwest side of your tree. It's imperative to make sure that your trees have been adequately watered during winter, especially with how dry and windy it has been this season. With recent winds reaching 80 mph, and lack of measurable moisture this year being a concern weather conditions have not been favorable.

To avoid the damage that winter can do, make sure your trees are well equipped with anti-desiccants. If they’ve been under stress or recently planted in the last two years then this treatment is needed as these plants may not have had enough time to build up their strength against cold weather conditions. Stressed trees are home for pests so protect them before it's too late.

Applying anti-desiccants during the winter months will help with desiccation. Our professional application can help retain moisture in your broadleaf evergreens and conifers.